Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Month in Review: September

Here are the best tips from the Runner's World Page-a-Day calendar for September.

Don't forget to enjoy running!
I have a right knee that is hurting. And I skipped my run today.
If I did sit-ups, I would do them fast.
But then they are nosy and ask too many questions
Get your vitamin C
But don't eat spicy food before a long run...


Great advice. I never do this.

Rest helps prevent injury
Miles Logged: 0.0

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dead Battery

The weather is finally starting to cool off a bit. The mornings have been in the upper 60s, so I was looking forward to a milder start to my long weekend run. I wasn't disappointed this morning by the weather. I was disappointed by my completely dead Garmin though. I know I charged it after the race last weekend, so I'm not sure what happened. 

But I rolled with it, Mapmyrun to the rescue. Or so I thought. I ran long past what I knew to be a mile without a status update. I stopped, figuring that I had updates disabled somehow. That wasn't the case at all. The app said I had been running for 20 minutes and had gone 0.78 miles. Nope. That wasn't right at all. I was pissed and killed the app. 

But I rolled with it, Fitbit to the rescue!

The rest of the run was fairly uneventful. Though I must say, I felt less fatigued than I normally do. Perhaps it was the cooler weather. Perhaps it was not having a constant update of the miles I had run. Oh, and I saw Ross the armadillo again. He and I are going to become friends soon!

Miles logged: 13.0

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Missing Earbuds

Today was the second day in a row that I've had no earbuds when I opened my bag at the gym. I have about 10 pairs laying around the house, but couldn't find any last week when a pair went kaput. I was about to take the dog for a walk (I listen to Freakanomics Radio while the Marathon Show is on hiatus), and he was crying to get outside, so I quickly dug around my gym bag and we went on our way. 

Those damn earbuds were still sitting on the kitchen table when I went to the gym again today, now the second time. I managed to eek out a run, but I have trouble on the treadmill without music. Number one, I can't focus well and get distracted easily without music. Number two, music with a good best helps me set the tempo of a run. Withòut it, I'm left to figure that out somehow on my own. Number three, people make weird noises at the gym. The grunting of the meatheads is much more prevalent when not drowned out by music-and it's just weird!

Miles logged: 3.5

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Music Monday: Ugly Heart

Artist: G.R.L.
Title: Ugly Heart
Fave Line: "And I wonder does it blow your mind that I'm leaving you far behind"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon Race Report

It was an early race morning, as usual. I had my alarm set for 5:30, 2 hours before the race was due to start. Somehow I turned off the ringer, but woke myself up at 5:36. I left myself with an hour to get to the starting line--5 miles or so from the house, but I almost missed it because traffic was so bad. It took me nearly 40 minutes to get parked! In addition to the half marathon, 5k, and 1k races, the balloons lift off at 7am, so everyone and their brother was trying to get there at the same time. 

I basically ran from the car to find the start line. Nothing was labeled and there were no volunteers to ask. I had a bag to check with a clean shirt and deodorant because my parents planned to meet me at the finish line to mill around the balloon festival after the race (which we canceled mid-race because it was so warm). Bag check was in an obscure area, but I was able to find it, along with a port-o-potty line with less than 10 people in it. I made it to the start line with 3 minutes to spare! Needless to say I didn't have much time for pre-race photos!

It was a beautiful sunrise, with an almost cool breeze.
Let's get started before the heat kicks in!
The starting line was a mess. People all over the place, some for the half marathon, some for the 5k. No one really knew what was going on. The loudspeaker was broken so you couldn't hear the announcements. There were no corrals, so I slipped in near the front. It didn't make much difference, as there were lots of walkers ahead of me to dodge for the first mile or so. I was frustrated and really wanted to hate the rest of this race. But I just couldn't. Who knew Plano, TX was so rural. We ran through open fields and then we saw this!

Hot air balloons at sunrise! I could not wipe the smile off of my face. Nor could I stop stopping to take a ton of photos. The 5 year old in me was in awe of the balloons. I kept saying "Wow, look at that one" out loud to no one. I'm sure the other runners thought I was completely nuts. And now, enjoy these scenic views!

This was so close. We could hear the burners!
OMG! More balloons! And look how sweaty I am, gross!
10 hot air balloons in the air at once!
This might be my favorite photo of the day, and I'm not even in it!
It was freaking hot out today. I was so sweaty, that it felt like I walked into a pool with all of my clothes on. I could feel my shoes squishing. It was disgusting. Most of the course was in the sun, with it in your face too. That sucked.  And it got even hotter around these guys.
FIRE in the middle of the race?!? This pyromaniac is in love!
They would pull the burner any time you asked! AWESOME!
There weren't enough water stations to contend with the heat, so I was really glad to have brought my camelbak with me. But man, it was hot. The weather was 87 degrees when I finished the race. I was glad not to have puked or died on the course, because I felt like doing both. According to my Garmin, I finished around 2:20, not a PR, but a time that I'm very happy with considering the temps.

Look at that medal! The medal always makes it worth it!
Miles Logged: 13.1

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Plano Balloon Festival Tomorrow!

I haven't really been planning for it but I signed up last weekend and I am very excited to be running the Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon tomorrow. They've been at every race expo in town for the last few years, but the timing hasn't worked out with my training schedule, as I've been in marathon beast mode at this time of year. So this is the year to run it! 

I'm hoping for a flat course, with stunning views of hot air balloons at sunrise. Could you imagine anything better? Hopefully this will be the case. Registration came with a primo parking pass and 2 tickets for entry into the festival afterwards. Should be a fun day!

A technical tank, yay!
All the goodies!

Miles logged: 0.0

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ever Thought You Were Fast?

I've never made that mistake! But this guy thought we was fast enough to beat the London Underground from one station to the next. He jumps off at one station and tries to make it to the next station before the train arrives, through 2 turnstiles, up and down stairs, and dodging pedestrians along the way. I'm out of breath just watching it!

Miles logged: 0.0

Monday, September 8, 2014

Music Monday: My Sweet Summer

Artist: Dirty Heads
Title: My Sweet Summer
Fave Line: "You can be my sunshine every time you fly back"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Extreme Disappointment

I was extremely disappointed this week to find an email from the Malibu Marathon organizers announcing this:
The Malibu Marathon for 2014 has been canceled! I'm devastated by the news. I had been planning to travel out for the third year in a row (no entry purchased) and have been ramping up my training and am now left to scramble to find a suitable replacement. 

Any readers have a suggestion for a mid November marathon?

Miles logged: 3.0

Monday, September 1, 2014

Month in Review: August

Here is the best of tips from the Runner's World page a day calendar for August.

The traffic light one never works for me. They never change when you expect them to.
I don't wear calf sleeves when I run, but I do wear compression socks after a long run and when I fly. I swear by them!
Running early is a must in the hot Texas summers
They aren't in season, but I love to sprinkle pomegranate seeds on my salads
Or you could lay down on a park bench in the shade for 5 minutes, which is what I do
I never worry about my pace during the hottest months of the year. My only goal is to finish.

I've worked my legs too hard many times and my long run has suffered because of it
Smaller steps will power you up a hill

Miles logged: 0.0

Music Monday: Bang Bang

Artist: Jessie J featuring Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj
Title: "Bang Bang"
Fave Line: "She got a booty like a Cadillac"

Miles logged: 4.0