Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sports Bra Hunting

Sorry guys, but this entire post is going to be about bras, and not the sexy lingerie types, but over shoulder boulder holders. I've found that men don't like discussing bras in general, so this will probably make you all very uncomfortable.

I've been in the market to replace my sports bras recently. You are supposed to replace them every 6 months; I'm closer to the year mark. I don't have huge tatas, but the twins fill a D-cup, so I dread this process.

I've always been partial to Champion bras and have used them for a number of years, but I don't feel like I'm getting all of the support I need; maybe I'm getting old. I've dug through catalogs trying to identify which ones really provide maximum support, but all of them have too many moving parts. The last think I want is to deal with chafing from a strap on my bra. I saw a girl after the Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon this year that had a blood outline of her bra that had seeped through her shirt. Imagine what her shower felt like...

So this weekend I went to one of our sporting goods stores to try on their inventory. I picked up every single sports bra in my size. Wait, that is a lie. I picked up every single sports bra in my size that didn't have a zipper down the front. I bought one of those, once. And after the bloody boob incident, I threw it away and will never touch one those again. Thank goodness this store doesn't have a limit on the number of items you can take into the dressing room. I probably had 25 bras to try on. 

And let's stop for a minute and reminisce about what a joy it is to try on sports bras. I just love getting stuck in one and having that panicked thought that I'm going to have to ask the fitting room attendant help since I have one arm stuck over my head and my boobs hanging out. I, fortunately, was able to finagle my way out of these situations all on my own. 

The good news out of all of this? I found a sports bra that smushed/flattened/supported the girls while I jumped up and down in the fitting room. The bad news? The effin thing cost $60! I seriously considered going for a cheaper option, but kept coming back to the support that this bra provided over all the others. So I bought one.

The Holy Grail of sports bras?
I wore it at the gym today and think I might have selected a hook closure that was too tight. I had a hard time getting a full breath in while I was running. When I was on the treadmill, I was thinking that I was running too fast. As soon as I got home, I realized my stupidity. But it didn't chafe and seemed to do it's job. If you can find it anywhere cheaper, drop me a note!

Miles logged: 3.25

Monday, April 29, 2013

Music Monday: My Songs Know...

Artist: Fall Out Boy
Song: My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark
Fave Line: The lyrics of this song are pretty deep, which is not usually the type of music I enjoy listening to while running. I just need a good beat and a chorus hat gets stuck in my head--and this song has it. Since I am a pyromaniac at heart, the chorus of this song is the best part for me. "So light 'em up, up, up! Light 'em up, up, up! I'm on fire!"

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mother of the Year

My husband and one of our dogs, Tony, left for Colombia yesterday; Tony has moved their permanently but my hubby will be back. That left me with a big hole in my heart and another depressed dog, Eddie, at home. While my husband travels back and forth to Colombia multiple times a year, we never really get used to it. Eddie was pretty clingy yesterday after I dropped them off at the airport. I made a concerted effort to stay home with him all day.

I got up this morning and didn't expect to have any separation issues with Eddie. However, he was a big baby. I was fully dressed in my running gear, camelback loaded and ready to go, and Eddie started crying. Though I didn't see any doggy tears, he was wailing and I hadn't even gone outside yet. I was starting to feel like the worst mother ever.

I couldn't bear to leave this face
Not to mention, he had worked himself up to an upset stomach, and what I call gurgly guts. I kicked off my aqua sox, grabbed a blanket and curled up next to him on the couch. I would have loved to have slept, but his stomach was so noisy, I couldn't nod off. I laid with him for close to an hour before I slinked out from underneath the blanket and out the door for my run. I don't think he noticed I had even left.

There was a second time today in which I had to leave him. And he boohoo-ed again. But I'm pretty sure I redeemed myself...I bought him a new rug for his room. Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes Eddie happier than a soft rug for him to rub his belly on. What do you think? Do I win Mother of the Year?

And for those of you who read my blog, but have never met me, I sound NOTHING like the video!

Miles logged: 9.5

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

OMG New Shoes x 2!!

This is the best week ever! Today I received not one, but TWO boxes of new shoes!! And one box was full on brand new aqua sox! The other was a pair of flats that I ordered from Target, which isn't nearly as exciting.

Thank you to Jackie for supporting my running habit!

Miles logged: 0.0

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Old People Running

In case you missed it, there was recently an article in the USA today about 2 old guys racing against each other to complete the 100 yard dash. The race was held in Spain, with one participant aged 94 and the other aged 95.

I would say this is a good lesson on not going out too strong, but let's be honest here, if I'm still alive at their age, then we will have a miracle. Just imagine being this mobile in your mid 90s. Both are winners in my mind!

Miles logged: 4.0

Monday, April 22, 2013

Music Mondays

Music is a huge motivator for me and I'm always looking for new songs to spruce up my running playlist. I shared my playlist a while back with all of my readers. But frankly, I doubt it was helpful at all. Here's why: I scour the internet to find out what other runners listen to, hoping to find something to help me get through the tough days at the gym. When I find a list like the one I posted, I look at the first few songs and, most times, have never heard of most of them. I'm too lazy to look them up in iTunes or youtube, so I move on to another website. I assume that this is what you did when you saw my playlist posted.

One of the radio stations I listen to has "New Music Monday," where they play new, hip, mostly indie music. I'm not hip, nor do I keep up with any of the newest trends, musical or otherwise. However, I thought that I could try to emulate a similar offering to you all. So, going forward, I will bring you one new (to me) song every Monday to see if you want to add it to your running playlist. I'll also include a link where you can actually listen to the song with one click. Pretty awesome, I know!

Here is your first song from Music Mondays!

Artist: Icona Pop (featuring Charli XCX)
Song: I Love IT
Fave Line: Many, but this probably takes the cake, as I love fire and swearing! 

"I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn. I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs."

Here is the link for mobile users.

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, April 21, 2013

OMG New Shoes!

As you know, I treat my dog, Eddie, like he's not a dog at all. He sleeps in my bed, under the covers or on my husband's pillow, I speak to him like he fully understands me, and I buy him a 4 piece McDonald's Chicken McNuggets on his birthday. Consequently, he LOVES McDonald's (but really, who doesn't?). Santa even brought him a $5 McDonald's gift card; I haven't let him spend it yet because he is fat.

You also know that I love aqua sox. But this love isn't reserved for only aqua sox, it extends to the love of all shoes. I am a woman after all! So when I took my BFF to Luke's Locker to get her fitted for a pair of new running shoes, I just couldn't help myself.
Eddie says "OMG McDonald's!!" I say "OMG new shoes!!"
I've been battling a couple of blisters since the Dallas Rock 'n Roll half marathon and haven't been able to shake them. I went to drain them yesterday after my run and the result was not pleasant; I'll save you the details. I'm convinced that the blisters are from the running shoes I wear on the treadmill at the gym (the heat that treadmills generate will melt aqua sox, so i had to find another alternative). The shoes are old and I can usually feel them rubbing. Time to get rid of them and replace them with a shiny me new pair of Altras!

The Altras were one of 2 pairs of zero drop shoes in the store. Unlike the uncomfortable New Balance Minimus, these ones are not considered a minimalist shoe. They have a nice amount of padding and a wide toe box. This makes them look a little strange, maybe like what you would expect shoes made for a monkey to look like.

I wore them for my run this morning and they felt great!

Miles logged: 4.0

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm a Huge Spaz

Mapmyrun, please stop screwing with your iPhone app. Your latest update has turned me into a huge running spaz! Normally, there is a very pleasant woman that chimes in every mile with my distance and average pace per mile. Today though, she changed from average pace per mile to actual pace for that mile. So I was all over the board today and had no idea why...I just thought that I had KILLED some miles when I went from an 11:35 average to 10:30 average!

Also, after the first mile, she said this phrase: Walgreens is behind you now. WTF does that mean? I do not pass a Walgreens on my route, nor do I know where one is located. I like to think I'm somewhat knowledgable about running lingo; I understand what IT band syndrome is, what fartleks are, what a tempo run is, how to prevent chafing, but I do not know what the Walgreens reference means. Anyone??

Here are my splits (and yes, I know, I went out too fast!):
1 mi-10:35
2 mi-10:24
3 mi-11:04
4 mi-11:35
5 mi-11:08
6 mi-11:17
7 mi-11:24
8 mi-10:30

Miles logged: 8.0

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Since the Boston marathon bombings earlier this week, I've spent a lot my free time listening to podcasts about running, reading eyewitness reports, and reading other blogs written by other runners. It's been a really tough week for the running community. It's been a tough week for me personally.

Normally, I deal with adversity through humor. I can turn pretty much anything into a joke, because I'm naturally hilarious. This doesn't feel appropriate, nor does it seem like it would make me feel any better. And I couldn't sleep at night making a joke out of an event that caused such horrific injuries and deaths.

Maybe I do need to laugh, forget the tragedy for a little while. Maybe this is a job for Will Farrell?

Ron Burgundy would definitely make me smile--and if Eddie and I had matching PJ's like he and Baxter do, double happiness!
Chaz Michael Michaels for some inappropriate yet silly gay innuendos!
Frank the Tank and streaking in the quad always brightens my day!
Step brothers and BFFs? A dream come true!

Or a little Ricky Bobby--the most inspirational man of all time?

I think I may have just set up my weekend!

Miles logged: 4.0

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tragedy at the Boston Marathon

I had originally drafted a very different blog commemorating today's Boston Marathon. Before completing my post, but my husband and I went to lunch and came home to hear the news of today's events. There were 2 explosions at the finish line, injuring 50+ people and killing 2. Such a celebration  turned into tragedy.

Thanks to Joe Taracani of the Marathon Show for hosting a live webcast updating us with all of the events and letting us know that our friends in the running community were safe.

My thoughts and well wishes go out to all that have been affected by today's horrific events.

Miles logged: 4.0

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stop and Smell the Roses

Or honeysuckle, or wisteria, or whatever is blooming in your part of the world. Spring is here! I woke up this morning, excited to go for a run in this beautiful weather. Clear, cool, and best of all, only a mild breeze (if you follow my blog, it will appear that the strong winds only show up on race day). The air today was actually sweet, heavy with the aromas of blooming flowers. My allergies have gone completely haywire, but it was worth it!

Blooming roses
The other major sign of Spring? Working water fountains!

Miles logged: 9.5

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Running = Integrity

I attended a training class today about ethics and integrity. I work for a company that sells insurance, so the irony of the class led me to want to take it! The message of the class was that integrity is 3 dimensional and to be "in" integrity, you have to be authentic with yourself, connect with others, and produce impact for the collective highest good. Deep, right?

What I learned is that if this 3 legged stool of integrity isn't well balanced, then the priorities in your life get out of whack. I'm out of balance since I'm not focused on being authentic with myself, meaning I am putting other priorities in front of taking care of myself. Which is why I have hardly been running at all lately, too many other things getting in my way.

So, I'm going to try to recommit to taking care of myself and get back to running during  the week. Goal accomplished on day 1!

Miles logged: 3.5

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Fairview Half Marathon Race Report

Today was the Farview Half Marathon and Saturday was a strange day to run a race. I was tired from a long week at work, and we were up relatively late last night trying to finish the never ending bathroom remodel (we didn't finish). It really didn't feel like race day when my alarm went off. Since there was no expo, I wasn't riding the wave of excitement from it, but it did start to build once I arrived at packet pick up. I felt very sophisticated going into the Fairview Town Hall building to get my bib and race shirt. Thankfully we arrived early and snagged a spot to sit inside before it got too crowded, because, yet again, it was cold and really windy!

Packet pick up 
Getting busy, almost time to start!
While waiting for the race to start, my husband started talking to a gentleman with a Palo Duro t-shirt on. Turns out he and his wife are ultra runners and have run many ultra races, so this was going to be easy for them! The most interesting thing was that they were older, she was in her 60s, and he in his 70s. She actually won her age group at the race today, congratulations Suki!

As we filed out to line up for the start of the race, I realized how cold and windy it really was. Temps were in the low 50s, so not quite as bad as the Dallas Rock 'n Roll a few weeks ago, but the wind just as bad.

Flags standing straight out!
Only 650 racers this morning
Start and finish line--this was taken down by the time I finished due to the danger the wind was causing
 If you've never heard of Fairview, TX, I know why. Fairview is only 30 miles from downtown Dallas (and about 20 from where I live), but it is way out in the country. The race course followed a very scenic route, traversing some lovely neighborhoods that I had no idea were even there. I also got to take in beautiful views of longhorns, alpaca, and plenty of horses along the way. Some of the roads were in miserable shape though, even bothering me in my aqua soxs. Definitely not barefoot friendly.

There were hardly any spectators during the race, but some very interesting racers. The most outrageous costume I saw was a guy wearing a chicken hat, complete with legs dangling on the side of his head. There was a guy who stopped at every mile marker and did burpees consistent with the mileage. I saw him at miles 9 and 10, and even with the burpees, he still kicked my ass. There was also another guy wearing a shirt that said "From 461 lbs to 13.1 in 12 months". Pretty amazing accomplishment!

The course was challenging, with some great but unexpected hills. The wind was very strong and very rough to run against for the last 2 miles of the race, but I made it through. No PR for me this race, but I did stop and use a port-o-potty along the way and still came in at a respectable 2:20.


Miles logged: 13.1