Monday, June 30, 2014

Music Monday: Jealous (I Ain't With It)

Artist: Chromeo
Title: Jealous (I Ain't With It)
Fave Line: "I get jealous, but I'm too cool to admit it"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Music Monday: Out of My League

Artist: Fitz and the Tantrums
Title: Out of My League
Fave Line: "From time to time I pinch myself"

Miles logged: 4.0

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Running in the Rain

I should have known that this morning's run wasn't going to turn out how I expected when it didn't start as I expected. I woke up before the sun and the chirping birds in an effort to get my run in before the heat kicked in. Late June in Dallas means it is just too late for that, no matter what time you rise... Somehow, when charging my Garmin, I forgot to turn it off. So it has been slowly sucking the life out of its battery, for the last two weeks. When I put it on this morning, it had less than half power. Since I think really well at 6am, I put it on the charger for 5 minutes, hoping that it would make a difference. It did not.

I left for my run anyway. I had a vague idea of my route. I was in good shape. But it was hot already and I was struggling. There was a strong breeze, thankfully, and cloud cover. Thank goodness for small miracles. Or not. 

That cloud cover turned into rain clouds by mile 10 and I had to wait out some heavy sprinkles at a park. When it let up a bit, I started on my way again and encountered some areas that were completely soaked. Then I got completely soaked. The rain started falling hard. I took refuge for a few minutes at a church. For those of you who know me well, this is extremely ironic. I figured there was no better way to be protected than by the house of God. But I was still 2 miles from home, so when the rain lightened up a bit, I made a run for it.

The roads were slick and I had to stop under various trees when the rain got much heavier. Just over a mile from the house, I heard a horn honking at me. And it was Eddie and my husband to the rescue! They had been driving all over the area looking for me! They had towels to dry me with and they took me home. I was soaked to the bone, but didn't realize how wet I was until I took my clothes off. I could, and did, wring them out in the shower. My shoes and feet were mostly dry, though I'm not sure how.
Super Eddie to the rescue!
Miles logged: 13.7

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Good Days and Bad Ones

There are 5 weeks and one really long run left until race day and earlier this week, I was doubting if I was anywhere close to being ready. I had a terrible workout on Tuesday, struggling to get in only 3 miles (my target was 7). My legs must have still been tired from my gym escapade on Sunday. My nutrition must have been off too. I felt like crap. I was extremely frustrated and a bit upset because I didn't feel like my training was where it needed to be for the marathon.

Today's workout was much better. I ran my targeted mileage at a good pace and I managed to squeeze in a few hill climbs. I am much more motivated now!

Also, check out my stats on the right--just surpassed 1,000 miles run and logged in the Daily Mile app!

Miles logged: 5.0

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Music Monday: Love Runs Out

Artist: One Republic
Title: Love Runs Out
Fave Line: "I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Happy Summer Solstice

I celebrated the start of summer by sleeping in and spending the day getting a pedicure and partaking in a little retail therapy with my BFF. It was so much better than waking up before dawn to run 20 miles in the blistering heat. I saved that little joy for today. 

I woke up this morning to a downpour. So I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep until 9 am! I slept for nearly 12 hours last night, but I was not able to sleep off the rain. What's worse than running 20 miles in the heat and humidity? Running 20 miles on the treadmill. The A/C is fantastic, but the boredom is crushing. I had to change my game plan. 

Prior to today, the longest I've ever run on a treadmill in a single day was 10 miles. Realistically, I knew I could not truly run 20 miles, or nearly 4 hours on the treadmill. Instead, I planned to run 10 miles, ride the bike for an hour (this is Dean Karnazes' fave cross training exercise, therefore mine as well), and finish with 5 miles on the treadmill. 

I thought the gym staff might comment on my excessive exercise, but no one noticed. According to Wikipedia, I may have exercise bulimia though, or I may just be training for a marathon. Here are the symptoms: 
  • Missing work, school and other important events in order to work out (I'll be out for an entire week of work after the marathon)
  • Working out with an injury or while sick (when I have a head cold, running is the only activity that allows me to breathe)
  • Becoming unusually depressed if unable to exercise (haven't taken more than a couple of days off in 4 years)
  • Working out for hours at a time each day (yep, 4 hours today)
  • Not taking any rest or recovery days (nope, I cherish my rest)
  • Defining self-worth in terms of performance (absolutely, poor performance is depressing)
  • Justifies excessive behavior by defining self as a "special" elite athlete (duh, I'm a marathoner, I tell everyone)
  • Depression or agitation when unable to work out (I get pissed when work gets in the way of running)
  • Amenorrah, the stop of a woman's menstrual cycle (nope)
  • Isolation from others while working out (at the gym, yes, I speak to no one)

Miles logged: 15.0

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Careful There, Runner

Since I've been blogging about the dangers of the sun lately, I thought I would share this recent article from Runner's World about the 10 most dangerous animals that runners encounter. Make sure to click through to Danger #13, a very rare, but totally plausible danger!

Miles logged: 4.0

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lab Results are In

And I don't have a clean bill of health. I am, however, skin cancer free! All of my biopsies came back as non-cancerous. I was not so lucky for all of them to be nothing though. 2 were typical moles. 1 was an age spot. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, you too can have age spots at 34 years of age!

And the spot on my lower back (that I had not even noticed) was a severely atypical nevi and must be surgically removed. I'm relieved by the results, but frustrated that I have to have yet another mole taken off. I've done this before and it definitely isn't a fun experience. I have a 2 inch scar on my back and a nice one on my shoulder as well. Thankfully, I've scheduled the surgery for after the San Francisco Marathon, so that my skin problems don't inconvenience my running (the date is perfectly acceptable per my doctor).

I can't go back and fix the damage I've done to my skin. But please learn from my mistakes. Always wear sunscreen and put on a hat while you are at it. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Please pay attention to changes in your skin. Please schedule an appointment with your dermatologist to get a skin check. It is easy, painless, and over in about 10 minutes.

Miles logged: 5.0

Monday, June 16, 2014

Music Monday: I Wanna Get Better

Artist: Bleachers
Title: I Wanna Get Better
Fave Line: "So now I'm standing on the overpass screaming at the cars, "Hey I wanna get better!"

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Aqua Socks Gone Forever?

As difficult as this is to say, it might be true, I think I may be done with aqua socks. I've been wearing them for 4 years. They've carried me through every single long distance race I've done, except for one. But I've struggled to find ones that fit well. With a very short buying season, May-July usually, I don't have a heck of a longtime to try out options. Last Memorial Day weekend I bought as many pairs as I could find in my size. They've lasted the past year, but the last 3 or 4 pairs have worn terribly. The inside "lining" of the shoes won't stay stuck down and bunches up I the arch of my foot.  I've yanked the lining out, but it ruins my socks with a sticky black mess. 

Today I ran in my zero drop Altras. They've only ever been on the treadmill before. And the most I've ever run in them is 10 miles. I was a bit apprehensive, understandably, about wearing them for too much longer than that for fear of blisters and other undesirable effects. Lucky for me, I managed to finish 15 miles with no ill effects from the change in shoes! Strangely though, my feet were just as tired I the shoes with a bit of padding as they are with almost none in the aqua socks. I must have smacked the concrete a bit too hard and didn't notice. 

We'll see if I'm this brave next weekend for 20 miles. 

Miles logged 15.0

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Beer=Carbo Loading

Having a beer before a run is considered carbo loading, right? I'm telling myself it is! A good friend of mine is leaving our company to pursue her MBA and tomorrow is her last day. We've worked together for 4 years and it will be the end of an era of sorts. When an impromptu happy hour came up to wish her well, I couldn't say no. I also couldn't skip my run today. Instead, I did what every self-respecting runner would do, I went to happy hour, had a beer, and then went to the gym. And you know what, I didn't feel bad while I was running. Maybe this should become my new pre-run routine?

And still no word on the biopsies, hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow. 

Miles logged: 4.5

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

You Can Never Wear Enough Sunscreen

For those of you that have been following my blog for a while or know me personally, you know of my skin problems. I have terribly fair skin and I did wear nearly enough sunscreen when I was younger. I have since corrected my past indiscretions, but I had 2 dangerous moles removed several years ago and have been under regular care of a dermatologist. I see the scars every day and it reminds me of how stupid I was to not stay out of the sun.

Today was my annual skin check and I didn't fare so well. I had 4 moles biopsied and 2 spots frozen. I wear hats and sunscreen religiously. I don't lay out in the sun. I, however, cannot avoid the sun when I run. I do my best to stay on shaded trails and wear sweat proof sunscreen, but I wear tank tops and shorts because it is freaking hot in Dallas in the summer. I know there is a large selection of clothing with SPF/UPF protection, but I cannot bring myself to run in 90+ degree heat with long sleeves and long pants. I'd probably cramp up like LeBron James or die of dehydration; it's just too hot.

This is my sad face and only one of my owies.
I'll get my results back in a week, so think happy thoughts. I'm going to try not to think about it, but with the anesthetic wearing off and the wound care regimen I have to follow for the next 3 days, it's unlikely that I'll be able to forget.

Please please please learn from my mistakes and protect your skin from the sun. To quote Joe Taracani from The Marathon Show, "If you are running anywhere in the world where the sun is shining, and you need to wear sunscreen, by all means do it!"

Miles logged: 5.0

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Music Monday: One Less Problem

Artist: Ariana Grande
Title: One Less Problem
Fave Line: "Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders"

Miles logged: 0.0

Hot Hot Hot!

I've been living on the edge lately and screwing around with my training calendar. Instead of having 2 weeks of shorter mile long runs (15 or less), I decided that I wanted to trade one for a 20-mile run. That way, by race day, I would have 2-20 miler and 1-22 mile runs under my belt. If I can't fully be prepared for the hills, at least I can fully be prepared for the mileage.

Only it's way too hot to be running at all. These kind of temps are why A/C was invented, and we really should be enjoying it all the time! The high was 94 degrees, in the shade. But the good news was that I stayed hydrated in the hot temps and didn't need any LeBroning. It was so miserable though, that I would have accepted a ride home from a creepy man in a van with no windows without even thinking twice about it.

It almost turned out much more dire. When it's so hot, I wear my Camelbak, which holds 1.5 liters (not nearly enough), and I carry a water bottle, which I refill numerous times. When I'm running hills, I leave the water bottle at the bottom of the hill and drink out of it each time I finish a "lap." I've been worried someone would toss out my water bottle, thinking it was trash, and it finally happened today. I got to the bottom of the hill and my water bottle was gone. I was pissed. I marched across the street, looked into the trashcan at the park, and there it was. Sitting on a pile of dog poop in little plastic bags was my water bottle. I grabbed it, wiped off the top, and went on my way. Yes, there were people watching as I was dumpster diving. No, I didn't care.

Miles logged: 20.0

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Celebrate National Running Day!

Can you guess what I did to celebrate National Running Day today? I bet not. I did not run-too long of a work day and too little food at the office to nourish me for a run today. I started out with the best intentions and carried my gym bag to the office (for a total of 3 bags-gym, briefcase, and tote), but didn't make it out of the office in time. 

Instead I came home and celebrated International Hug Your Cat day!

Eddie dressed up in his kitty costume for the occasion!

Miles logged: 0.0

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Month in Review: May

Here's the best of the Runner's World calendar for the month of May.

This tip is for my husband who claims to want to run Bay to Breakers completely nude.
I can attest to this. I love the Fitbit. 19 miles this weekend was 40,000 steps!
Excellent advice to avoid burnout which I do not listen to. No rest for the weary!
Ever finish a long run with a sore back? Yeah, me too.
Good advice if you are plagued with plantar fasciitis.
Ugh, it is so hot already. Drink up!
Just tried the Stinger Honey Waffles, YUM!
I have absolutely NO idea what this means.
I've been working on this for 4 years!
Miles logged: 4.0

Monday, June 2, 2014

Music Monday: Fancy

Artist: Iggy Azalea
Title: Fancy
Fave Line: "I'm so fancy, you already know"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Sunday, June 1, 2014

8 Weeks to Go

With 8 weeks of training left until race day, I feel like I'm hitting my high mileage runs too soon. But really, 8 weeks is nothing when it comes to marathon training. I ran 19.5 miles (without falling!) today in the soupy heat and humidity. It was exhausting. I ran slow. I labored. But I did it. I spent time working on hills as well. My Garmin said that I climbed 652 feet of climb overall. Sounds like a lot. But definitely not enough to prepare for the San Francisco marathon. I will have to focus the next 8 weeks on hill training for both my short and long training runs.

Miles logged: 19.5