Sunday, November 24, 2013

Music Monday: Bruises

Artist: Chairlift
Title: Bruises
Fave Line: I know this song is about love, but it feels like an ode to my falling down... "I tried to do handstands for you, but every time I fell for you, I'm permanently black and blue"

Miles logged: 0.0

Arctic Blast!

With a weather forecast like this for the weekend:

I had no plans to run, let alone leave the house. While the temps haven't really been that bad, cold and wet have made it mostly miserable.

Without having run in over a week, I was itching to get out for a run today. I took the Chiweenie for a walk to test the temps first. He was not pleased and I confirmed that it was really cold outside. Thankfully the gym was open, but I really wanted to try out my new Garmin. Hopefully this next week and holiday will lend itself to better running weather!

Miles logged: 4.0

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My New Toy

I'm still feeling some pain in my groin, so I decided to skip a run and hop on the elliptical at home tonight. Also, I was anxious to get home to try this out!

My husband got me a Garmin for my birthday and it arrived last night. My birthday isn't for another couple of weeks, but he let me open it early! I charged it up last night so I could play with it today. 

Since I was not running tonight, I wore it while I walked the Chiweenie. The watch is easy to use and requires no set up. I put it on, pushed the start button, and had to wait approximately 30 seconds for it to locate a satellite. That's it!

It worked perfectly and validated just how slow the Chiweenie is! His walks consist of mostly sniffing and peeing, so it's not really a work out!

I still need to figure out how to sync it with my computer, but I can't wait to use it on my next run!

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Music Monday Throw Back: Now That We Found Love

Artist: Heavy D & The Boyz
Title: Now That We Found Love
Fave Line: "I dig the way you wiggle, You don't jiggle."

Miles Logged: 0.0

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I did the responsible thing, but I feel like a complete failure. I considered not even blogging about my run today, but figured others might learn from my experiences.

Since I started running, I never stop, I never cut my run short, I never give up no matter what hurts. I ran my first half marathon with a stress fracture in my foot (I didn't get the official diagnosis until after the race, but I still remember the run that I did it). I used to think this made me a bad ass, but now I realize that it was just stupid. When you have an injury or strain rest is always the best answer. I never follow this advice, unless it is required by a physician, and then it is still questionable.

Today I started to feel tense and tight in my left inner thigh around mile 2 of the run. I stopped to stretch it out and kept on going. I paused to stretch several more times and couldn't get it to loosen up and the pain got progressively worse. I considered turning around to go home, but couldn't make myself actually do it, until about mile 9 and I was already on my way home. I finally gave in to the pain and fear of hurting myself further. I called my husband to pick me up. I know it was the best thing to do, but I still feel like a quitter for doing it. Hopefully some ice, and maybe rest, will help the muscle strain.

Miles logged: 9.4

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Post Race Run

Today was my first post marathon run. The marathon high has not worn off yet, and neither has the "temporary" tattoo. I scrubbed that thing for several minutes in the shower this morning, but it has only faded a little. If I didn't know it before, I know now that I am definitely not a tattoo person. While they may look good on other people (namely David Beckham), their permanence, even the temporary kind, is too much for me!

In addition to the tattoo, I still have a little soreness left over from the race. Hopefully both of these will be gone in the next few days!

Miles logged: 4.0

Monday, November 11, 2013

Malibu International Marathon Race Report

Race morning was an early one. The 3:45am alarm was pretty brutal. But I slept well and was fairly well rested considering. We were out the door on time to catch our 5am bus to the starting line. First present of the day? Low tire pressure sensor pops up on the rental car. We pulled over in a parking lot to inspect the tires, and all 4 looked fine. So we continued down to Zuma Beach, where we would be bussed to the starting line. We made it in plenty of time, found a parking spot easily, and jumped on the 2nd bus. It was completely dark and I was hoping for a quick nap on the bus. But, with my social butterfly husband, we ended up making some friends. One was a first time marathoner and the other was training for an Iron Man in December. He rode 120 miles on his bike the day before, so I felt like a major slacker trying to limit my activity and stay off of my feet as much as possible!

We also saw the race director, Alberto Perusset, at the starting line. We met him several years ago at the San Francisco marathon. He is a fellow barefoot runner. 

I also was fortunate enough to get to meet Yolanda Holder, the Walking Diva. She was completing her 449th marathon! I'd heard an interview with her on the Marathon Show several weeks ago and was looking forward to meeting her. She's the most humble person, and quite shy. She completed the NYC marathon last weekend and was disappointed that Pamela Anderson beat her by 1 minute! 

This is a fairly small marathon, so the start line isn't big with lots of fanfare. It feels comfortable, homey almost. No big crowds, reasonable lines for the potty, and lots of nerves!

We had a moment of silence for Boston, sang the national anthem, then we were off on time. The race plan was to run, have fun, and not to have to shoot my husband like a lame horse if he reinjured his ankle. We decided that I would pace for the first 20 miles, then he would pace the last 10k. In reality, my husband held the pace the whole way. We a hung with the 5 hour pace group for a couple of miles. I enjoyed the comraderie of running with a group, but my husband tired of it quickly. He wanted to get away from the crowd and enjoy the race course in peace and quiet.

Early during the race we were treated to a video from the Year of the Run mascot, Eddie. He's staying with his grandparents this weekend and shot a video of him going for a walk, so we could run with him!

The weather was beautiful. After a stunning sunrise, we enjoyed cool temps and clouds that hung over the sun for a while. I certainly appreciated a bit of reprieve from the sun. As we turned onto PCH, we ran into a head wind. It was pretty punishing in the last few miles when we were working up long hills, but nothing I haven't run against in during my training. 

The views were spectacular and like last year, there were very few spectators. The pitch on the road was pretty bad in some spots, but the scenery made up for it! One of my best friends from college came out around mile 22 to cheer us on with her family. It was great having someone there to yell out my name! It definitely helped me get through the last few miles, as I my left foot was cramping and my calves were on fire. We saw our friends Erin and Brian on the course as well. They were looking good, but I think the distance was getting to them. We hung with each of them for a little while before pushing on. I also ran into a Beyoncé on the route; I had to stop and get a picture of her!

If you haven't read this blog post about Beyoncé, you must! it is one my faves!

Finally, we made it to Malibu! With less than a mile left, I was elated. It was downhill to the finish and the 5 hour pace group was no where to be seen!

We crossed the finish line with a time of 4:50:22, an almost 13 minute PR for me! I could not have done it without the support and pushing of my husband. Thank you Babe for making this such a fun race and an amazing finish time!

After the race was over, we spent some time with a group of my friends and their families. We kicked off our shoes and enjoyed the sand between our toes. Instead of rushing back to the hotel to ice our feet, we splashed around in the freezing cold Pacific!

Loved the tattoo for about a didn't wash off with my shower and me no likey anymore!

One of my favorite photos of the day. This was right before he face planted in the water, so he still had his dry clothes on!

Thank you to everyone who supported me in my training, gave me well wishes before the race and to those that came out to see us while we were in town! Who wants to run it next year?!?

Miles logged: 26.2

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Malibu Marathon Eve

Race day is almost here! And the most exciting thing leading up to the race is the expo and packet pick-up. I wasn't expecting last year's expo consisted of a merchandise table and bib pick up in the lobby of a hotel. I was blown away by the difference a year makes. We had a full-on expo on the beach!! It really doesn't get better than that!

Both Zipfizz (my fave sports drink) and RooSport were there. I ended up buying a ton of Creamsicle flavored Zipfizz. Orange has always been my favorite flavor, and this was just a better version of it (though not available in stores). I haven't used my RooSport pouch yet, but I'm sure it's going to work perfectly for me tomorrow. 

Bib pick-up was under a tent, with the cool sand beneath our feet.

Two Morales' ready for the marathon!

I am so excited for tomorrow!

Miles logged: 0.0

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not the Day I Planned

Days never go quite as you had planned. Today was one of those that gets completely thrown off... I was scheduled down to the minute on where I had to be and when, including inhaling a sandwich in the car for lunch on my way to a client. With a 6:30 flight to LA, I didn't have much time spare. 

So when the fire alarm went off in the middle of a conference call, I knew I was in for it. You see, I work on the 25th floor of an office building. And when the fire alarm goes off, guess what becomes non-functional, elevators. And guess who was not about to walk down 25 flights of stairs. Yep, that's me! 

Over the summer, they were working on the elevators in the garage where I go to the gym and the elevators worked on my way up to the 10th floor, but were out of service by the time I was ready to leave. So I had to go down 10 flights of stairs and I was almost  in tears by the time I got to the bottom. 

My knees aren't in the best shape. My quads couldn't take stairs and a marathon on the same weekend. Instead I walked down 3 flights of stairs and resigned myself to potentially dying in a fire in the 22nd floor. Fortunately it was only a drill and my life and my knees were saved!

Lucky for me it all ended with a cookie cake from my team! Having their support means so much to me! Plus, I have carbo loading material for the plane!

Miles logged: 0.0

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Last Pre-Marathon Run

Today was my last run before the Malibu marathon. And what a relief it was that it was a good run. I felt great, my legs were light, and I was fast. A run like that is definitely good for the spirit.

I've been doing my best trying to not think about the big race. The less I think about it, the less anxious I will be for the next few days. However, I did break out my 2012 Malibu Marathon Finishers Towel (yup, the Malibu Marathon gives out a finishers towel instead of race shirts! Just one more reason it is the best marathon ever!) for my shower today. I did feel like a winner when I was drying off!

We fly out to LA tomorrow night and will be meeting up with some of my husband's family and some good friends from college. I'm so happy to have their support since my cheering squad from last year aren't able to make the trip.

Miles logged: 3.5

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Music Monday: Pompeii

Artist: Bastille
Title: Pompeii
Fave Line: "But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?"

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Music Monday: Best Day of My Life

Artist: American Authors
Title: Best Day of My Life
Fave Line: "I'm never gonna look back. Whoa, never gonna give it up!"

Miles logged: 0.0

Last Long Run

Long should be in quotations, as my run was only 10 miles. While training for a marathon, your perspective gets totally effed. I remember training for my first half marathon and 10 miles was complete agony. Now, it's quick, easy, and done in less than 2 hours. That means I have the WHOLE day to do whatever I want, which equals boring chores around the house. But it also means extra time lounging on the couch snuggling with the Chiweenie! 

I decided to live on the edge and not even ice my feet after running. I'm such a rebel!

Did I have 16 miles left in me? Hell yea!

It's one week until race day people. Malibu better be ready for me!

Miles logged: 10.3