Thursday, February 28, 2013

One of those people

I am now one of those people. I dropped my cell phone on the treadmill and it went bouncing along until it came to a rest far away from me and ended in front of a bunch of judging strangers. I felt like such an idiot. I hit the headphone cord and the phone went flying. Thankfully I have an otterbox on it since I recently shattered it. And that thing works! Not a nick or crack to be found anywhere!

Miles logged: 3.5

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tough Running

I've been really busy lately and just haven't had much time for running. Between work (including social functions), my book club, and planning a bathroom remodel, I didn't make it to the gym once this week. I think I might have jumped on the elliptical on Monday, but that was the extent of my physical activity this week.

And the lack of activity is what I'm blaming as the reason for today's terrible run. It was really cold and I couldn't get my breathing right. In through the nose burned too badly, so I spent most of the run breathing through my mouth. I got a stitch in my side, I couldn't keep pace, I walked (ever so briefly, but I did). The whole run was awful. And I had the hardest time trying to get warm once I got home-I spent at least 30 minutes standing under the burning hot water to try to shake off the cold.

I resolve to get more running in this week, but we'll see how that goes!

Miles logged: 8.75

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Long Distance Runs do to your Brain

I remember being on an 18 mile run while training for the Malibu marathon, looking up from the pavement, and not having a clue where I was. That might make sense if I was on a new trail and didn't know how far I had gone, but I was on the same trail that I've been running on for 2 years. I've literally run hundreds of miles on it and I was completely lost.

I had a better experience today, but the distance wasn't quite the same. The weather was absolutely beautiful, so I sat on a bench for a few minutes, taking in the blue sky and enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Miles logged: 10.0

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Mardi Gras!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, the culmination of my favorite season of the year, Mardi Gras. I'm from New Orleans and really miss it because I know I'm missing out on lots of fun! Here's a little musical interlude inspired by Mardi Gras!

Miles logged: 3.0

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I was pretty sure that I had made a mistake about postponing my run to Sunday when I woke up to lightening, thunder, high winds and pouring down rain at 3am. I lay awake for at least an hour, soothing the dogs and watching the room light up. It was pretty intense. And it was all gone by the time I woke up at 8:30 (a late bedtime and interrupted sleep allowed me to sleep in past 8am on the weekend, what an accomplishment!). Most of the puddles had dried by then too. An ugly night had turned into a beautiful morning.

Miles logged: 9.5

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yoga Poses for Hip Pain

Even though I haven't been running much at all, my hips still hurt. I need to get serious about regular stretching to help with the pain. I recently ran across this article and need to try these poses. Maybe they'll help me, and if not, maybe you?

Miles logged: 10.0