Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my blog followers! Your visits to my site encourage me to continue writing! May your 2012 be the best year yet!

I remember one year ago I was training for my first half marathon... One year later, I'm about to run my 5th. It's amazing the difference a year makes and the change in your perspective. As part of my training for the Dallas Rock 'n Roll half marathon, I had to run 4.5 miles on New Year's day. Granted, not the best planning, but the training calendar is an immovable force. I did my best to control my alcohol intake and behave myself during the New Year's festivities in order to be prepared for the run the next day--at that time, the longest run of my life!

That was the day I first experienced a runner's high, or as I like to call it, the day I ran 5 miles (.5 more than I had to!) and didn't hate every step! It was a magical day for me, to get past that hurdle of hating running.

And look at me now! Today was a shorter run for me, 8 miles, as I taper down for my race next week. One week until the Bold in the Cold Half Marathon in Grapevine, TX. Can't wait for the adrenaline high!

Miles logged: 8

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Vacation is the best

I'm lucky enough to have a bit of vacation time to burn before the end of the year. That's how I have almost 10 days off during the holidays. I haven't forgotten that I'm training for a half marathon that is in a week and a half, but I haven't strictly adhered to my training calendar. A little cheating never hurt anyone, right?

This week I've managed to get in my longest training run (11 miles), have a massage (strangely unsatisfying), and catch up on some much needed rest.

I dug out an old race shirt today--my first race shirt, in fact. From the Superbowl XLV 5k, on January 8, 2011. We decided to run it because all race finishers had a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Superbowl. Needless to say, we didn't win the tickets, but my first race was a ton of fun. It was cold, I ran too fast, but I got a medal and a Snickers once I crossed the finish line! I couldn't have been happier! I learned a lot from that race, but the most important thing I learned was to smile for the cameramen. If you don't, your pictures will turn out terrible! I've never made that mistake again!

Miles logged: 3

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Obsession with Running

I didn't think I was obsessed, but other people seemed to have noticed. This was apparent by the deluge of running gear that I received from my family for Christmas this year. Tops, bottoms, socks, you name it, I got it. And I am grateful, other than some new sports bras, a pair or two of shorts, and race shirts, my running gear is old and is in need of relplacing. The oversized cotton tshirts from 1999 must now go!

Miles logged: 11

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all Runners

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all the runners out there! I am taking a day off in light of the holiday-and considering it is almost noon, I'm still in my pajamas, and it is freezing outside!

Miles logged: 0

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm not an expert

I’m certainly not a running expert, but I always feel the need to pass along advice to others that don’t appear to know what they are doing. I don’t know if I have an innate need to help, or if I just think I’m smarter than them.

Case in point—the other day at the gym, a young woman got on the treadmill next to me. She put the treadmill on 3.8 mph and proceeded to “run”. Now, “run” is in quotes, because what she was doing can’t really be called running. She was bouncing and hopping around. Her head was literally bounding up and down at least 12 inches. I can’t imagine the amount of impact her joints were absorbing with that much vertical change during her run.

As a minimalist runner, the goal is to land as lightly as possible with each step since you don’t have the cushion of shock absorbing Nike soles. We typically have shorter strides and bend our knees more than traditional runners to minimize the bounce in our steps. So now I notice runners that are on the other end of the spectrum and worry about them injuring themselves.

Ultimately I decided not to counsel the “runner” next to me at the gym. I’m guessing the pain she felt the next day was enough to tell her she had done something wrong.

Miles logged: 0

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Run of Surprises

Since I'm officially signed up for a race on January 7, I'm back in training. And with the race being only 3 weeks away, I need to train hard!

So what a surprise I had today while running at the park to see a tiny Chiweenie walking on the sidewalk. My husband came to the park with Eddie to surprise me on my run. I stopped for a few minutes to say hello and take a quick picture. What a nice surprise!

The other surprise was waiting for me when I arrived home, compliments of my amazing husband. Fried zucchini from Carl's Jr. Yum!!!

Miles logged: 10

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Major disappointment

I've been planning for a few weeks to run the New Years Double (just the half on the 31st), but I've been holding off on signing up because I haven't officially been training. I just went to sign up and it is sold out! :(

Come to find out the half was limited to 200 racers. No wonder it has been sold out for over a month already. The good news is that I was able to find another half in Dallas a week later (probably better for me anyway).

Bold in the Cold, here I come!!!

Miles logged: 3.5

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Gym is Not for Socialization

If you look up the word gym (or gymnasium) in the dictionary, you will find that it is a location where you can perform physical exercise. No where in the modern day definition does it mention mass socialization or meet-up (the Ancient Greeks may have philosophized, but there is no one at my gym that even closely represents the Greeks!). Which is why I get so irritated at the mass groups of women that stand around in the locker room, crowding the lockers and get in my way. Or the overly muscled men that don't lift a single weight while I'm running, since it would get in the way of their "deep" conversations with other overly muscled guys.

This evening I was a particular burden on 2 girls that spent a whopping 15 minutes on the treadmills on either side of me. Apparently, me being on a treadmill in the middle of them and their conversation was a huge inconvenience. And they made it very clear by trying to talk through me, loudly. I did my best to get in their way, which I'm sure pissed them off!

My point is, the gym is a place for hard work. You only get out of it what you put into it. Spending the short amount of time I have there chatting it up is a huge waste. I just wonder why others don't feel this way as well.

Miles logged: 3.5

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Am I ready to sign up for my next race?

I've been telling myself for a few weeks that I needed to get back on track with my training if I wanted to run the New Year's Double (but only the half on New Year's Eve). But training has been difficult with traveling and sickness. The good news is that my health is on the mend. I broke down and went to the urgent care clinic on Friday. A steroid shot to the butt and a round of antibiotics (sinus infection), and I'm feeling better already. I'm definitely not 100%, but I'm getting there.

Today was a test of how well I've been holding up and to see of I really can get trained up for December 31. I was able to make it for the full 8 miles I needed to run, without stopping, despite the difficulties breathing and the cold. My time wasn't great, but I did it. And my muscles held up well, just tired feet and sore hips.

Now I just have to decide whether to sign up for my next big race!!

Miles logged: 8

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ever use a sauna?

I've never used one before, but with battling another head cold and major hip pain, I figured it was worth a try. I sat in the sauna for about 10 minutes before my run today and for another 10 afterward. Not sure if the heat helped with the hip pain, but it sure helped me open up my sinuses and breathe. It is a few hours later and I'm still feeling pretty good. Anyone know if it is safe for your iPod in there?

I passed a milestone today, as well. I ran my first sub 10 minute mile. As you know from previous blogs, I am not a fast runner, so this was a huge feat for me! And I was sick. And it was the last mile of my run!

Miles logged: 3

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Foam Roller is the Devil

There is one inanimate object that can literally make me cry. That object is the mother &$@&$:!!) foam roller.

Back in March, I had severe IT band pain in my knees and instead of following the doctor's order of rest and PT, I bought a foam roller, thinking I could cure myself! The first time I used the foam roller (if you've never used one, google: foam roller for IT bad), I was in so much pain, that I couldn't go on. That foam roller made me miserable!

I eventually worked out my IT band issues, but have brought out the foam roller again. This time I have pain in my hips (if you follow my my blog regularly, this is a new pain, in both hips). It sits at the front top of my hip bone, and feels like a strained muscle. I have pain when I put weight on my feet and when I reach or twist. I've performed a lot of Internet research and think it might have to do with tight IT bands or tight tendons. I've been rolling around on the foam roller for the last 2 days, trying to get some relief from the pain. It hasn't lessened, but I know I'm doing something right because of the excruciating pain when using the roller!

Miles logged: 0

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I'm a planner. I have never waited until the last minute for anything, never pulled an all nighter in college, I am always prepared. However, lately I have waited until the last minute to pack for trips out of town.

We spent the weekend in Napa, celebrating my 32nd birthday, and I didn't pack my suitcase until 8pm the night before we left (flight at 7:55am, so fairly last minute). I paid attention to the weather, and thought I packed appropriately. And for the most part, I did. Except when it came to my running attire. I brought a pair of tights and a long sleeve tech shirt to run in. It was 35 degrees when I woke up this morning! A tad too cold for no layers! I woke up at 6am, and waited for the sun to come up only to realize that it was too cold to run outside. I ended up running at the gym instead. At least there were windows and a nice view of the Napa River!

I didn't run as much as I had hoped to run today. I'm hoping to run the New Years' Double (the half marathon on December 31st only), but I'm not sure I'm in good enough shape to do it. I was hoping to get in 8 miles today and work my way up over the next 3 weeks. I'm going to shoot for 10 miles next weekend, if I can do it, then I'll sign up for my next race!

Miles logged: 5