Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tired of Training

I'm tired. I've been training for a marathon for almost 4 weeks now and I'm already exhausted. This week has consisted of training 4 days a week, for at least an hour a day. If you follow my blog, you know that I like to run, but I'm not really that dedicated to running a lot! Since all of this exercise is taking up so much of my time, I haven't had much of a chance to sit down and write.

For my run today, I went to a different gym on my way home. The only way to describe this gym was to say that it was directly out of the movie Cocoon. There wasn't a man with a full head of hair there. And I'm pretty sure I was the only one with natural hair color.

They also didn't have any towels, and I had forgotten I spent 55 minutes dripping sweat onto the treadmill belt. GROSS.

Miles logged: 5.0

Sunday, August 26, 2012


After a failed attempt at 16 miles last week, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to complete the 17 miler scheduled for this weekend. And with a DNS on Saturday morning, I was even more afraid. Saturday wasn't really my fault--I got up to the alarm at 6:30, ate breakfast, dressed, slathered on the sunscreen. Then I flung open the curtains to let the dogs out before we left and everything was wet, wet from the pouring down rain, not the sprinklers that were also on... So I crawled back in bed and slept until 10!!

When the alarm woke me this morning, the first thing I did was check outside to see if it was raining, and it wasn't. It wasn't hot this morning, but it was really humid. Almost like running in soup. I struggled from the beginning. I kept getting twigs and leaves in my socks. My knees hurt. My hips screamed. My feet were in agony. All this before I even made it to half marathon distance. I broke the cardinal rule of running. I finished 17 miles, but I am defeated.

I was too tired for an ice bath, but managed to ice my feet in the sink. My legs were so tired, that I wasn't sure if I could lift them over the tub to get out of the shower. I popped 2 Aleve immediately. I am physically and mentally exhausted. But I know from past experience that I need to keep moving. If the stiffness sets in, I know I'm done for.

I'm second guessing this whole marathon thing.

Miles logged: 17

Photos from Calgary Run

As promised, though a little late, here are the photos of our run through Calgary. We ran along the Bow River with great views of the city!

Me at the Peace Bridge

The barefoot man at the Peace Bridge

We ran by the zoo and saw bears! These were the only bears I saw in Alberta

And Bison!

The Bow River

Calgary Tower

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Running in Calgary

Today I embarked on a long journey in a strange city, 16 miles in Calgary, Alberta. My husband and I planned out a route through the city and along the Bow River. We woke early thanks to an alarm set by the hotel room's previous tenant.

The city was deserted at 8 am on a Sunday morning. And our run didn't get off to the best start. The first park we ran to was closed off and before we even got to the second mile, my husband had to stop to dig some glass out of his foot. Once we crossed the Bow River on the Peace Bridge (pictures to follow once we get home) things were much better. We ran along the river for a few miles, missing the first bridge crossing to Prince's Island. The temperature was perfect and the views of the city were amazing.

Our route took us by the Calgary Zoo, and we saw a mountain lion, bears, turkeys, and bison in their cages, without even having to pay admission!! That was about the end of the good part of the run. We had to stop once more for my husband to dig something out of his foot and we came across some unpaved gravelly trail. This was murder on his bare feet and we had to abort the rest of the run and return to the hotel.

Unfortunately, we were still miles from the hotel and without a map... Fortunately, the hotel is right next to the Calgary Tower, which you can see from just about anywhere in the city. So we just aimed for it and somehow made it back safe and sound.

I didn't meet my mileage goal today and am a bit worried about how this will effect my overall training program. I'll have to wait until my next long run to see if it has any effect.

Miles logged: 11

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting Used to my New Digs

I've been struggling a bit as I try to train for this marathon, while starting a new job at the same time. Throw in Restaurant Week and an upcoming vacation, and you have a recipe for not running! I've been doing the best I can, and have managed to still get in 3 runs a week (the cross training that i vowed to do is lacking).

I have made it to the gym twice this week and I've made a few observations. First, I am surprisingly OK with the health club provided towels. If I use these while I run, then I can sit on a clean one from home in the car. Second, people in this gym run really loudly! There was a guy next to me on Tuesday that I thought was going to break the treadmill. He was a very large man, so I guess it is good he was running. I made sure to steer clear of his machine today!!

Miles logged: 4.0

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ice Baths

My most pressing question as of late-how long do you linger in an ice bath? And secondly, how cold does it need to be?

I've never in my life taken an ice bath, that is, until last weekend when I crushed a 15 mile run. I did everything that day right, I took an ice bath immediately after finishing my run, ate something, then had a 1.5 hour massage. I was not sore at all after the longest run of my life. If I only had the time and money to keep those habits up!

But between getting the foster dog to adopt-a-pet and a hair appointment today, I definitely couldn't squeeze a inmassage. I did have time for the ice bath though. Well, ice bath is really a misnomer, more of a lukewarm bath. When only hot water comes out of the faucet, it is hard to cool it down enough to qualify for a true ice bath. Also, really cold water is uncomfortable to sit in!

I ran a bath of the coldest water I could get, then dumped a giant pitcher of I've in it. I sat in the water until I started shivering, about 10 minutes. It was miserable. I'm a bath girl; I could sit in a hot bath for hours. The cold bath is a horrible kind of torture though. We'll see tomorrow if I have any soreness and if it was worth it.

Miles logged: 12

Monday, August 6, 2012

Training for a Marathon is Hard!

I haven't even signed up for a marathon and I'm already complaining! If I end up actually doing this, then it is going to be a LONG road for me.

I took some time yesterday to put together a training calendar for the next 12 weeks. I decided to sleep on it before making any rash decisions. Then I spent the whole night dreaming that I couldn't get through my training runs and never completed a marathon. I was not comforted when I woke up this morning.

However, I did vow to stick to the calendar. With a busy week ahead, and no official gym membership, it is going to be a difficult week to start.

I was supposed to run today, but I can't sign up for the gym until that means running outside. And the high today was 104. I waited until almost 8pm before I left and it was still hot as blazes. But I made it through a run in the heat (it was almost dark by the time I arrived home) and in darn good time!

Miles logged: 4.0

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I wanted nothing more than to sleep in this morning. I've woken up with an Olympics hangover every day this week. And today was no different.

It was 82 with a heat advisory at 6:15 am, definitely going to be a hot one. I had set a personal goal for myself to run 15 miles today. If I could get through 15, I was going to officially begin training and sign up for a full marathon. After running a half marathon last weekend, I was already halfway to 26.2.

So all I could think of today was 15 miles. I had never run more than 13.1 in my life (and a max of 11 in this heat) and I honestly doubted I could run 15. But I thought I would give it my best.

The sun had just started to rise around the time I finished my first mile. I was already struggling. How in the hell was I going to get to 15, when 1 was hard to get through? I just kept thinking of my goal and counted down the miles.

At mile 5, I knew I only had 2 more hours of running left. I might be able to manage that. At mile 9, I only had a 10k left. When I heard that I had hit mile 12 in my headphones, I literally shouted with joy. Mile 12 meant I could turn around and start heading home. Mile 13 was a disappointment though-the slowest time it has ever taken me to get to that distance. I reminded myself that my goal was distance, not time (though I didn't want to run any slower than a 12 minute per mile pace). I couldn't believe that I was still running when I got to mile 14. And that final mile, while miserably hot and achy, was pure bliss! I now know why marathoners cry as they cross the finish line!

My final disappointment with this run was when I walked in my house. I realized that I just completed 15 miles, the longest distance I've ever attempted, and I came home without a medal!

Miles logged: 15.0

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Gym

I started at a new gym today. This gym is super convenient, as it resides in the parking garage for my building. I haven't figured out where to park/whether to carry my gym bag all day, but I'll deal with those logistics issues in exchange for convenience!

I didn't go for a tour, but I found the treadmills on my own. They weren't very crowded AND no one stinky was near me.

I think I'm going to like this place!

Miles logged: 3.5