Sunday, November 30, 2014

Month in Review: November

As I do every month, here is the best of the Runner's World Page a Day calendar for November.

Timely advice in the middle of a move! If only I could actually get a run in!
While snow banks aren't an issue in Dallas, it's great advice to wear reflective clothing, any time of the day.
Now I know how I am going to place!
I like to arrive a few days early as well to get used to sleeping in a strange bed.
Can you imagine how ridiculous this would look?

Running on grass always feels better, even if you don't have shin splints.
I like to mix it up and run mornings and nights. I must be able to run well all the time now!
I add hill repeats to every long run.
Miles logged: 0.0

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I'm Thankful For...

I didn't start my Thanksgiving day this year the same way I usually do. Instead of getting up and heading to the corner store for my newspaper with Black Friday ads, I woke up ridiculously early and started packing. Not because I'm going on vacation this weekend, but because I'm moving across the country. My husband and I are a week away from becoming residents of California! I've recently accepted a job with a company called MINDBODY on the Central Coast. We are beyond excited, but trying desperately to get ready to move.

Amidst all of the craziness, I thought I should take a few minutes to say what I'm thankful for this year:

  • The love and support of friends and family.
  • Anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Mostly sound body and mind that are strong enough to push me through whatever crazy distance I try to run.
  • A good real estate market.
  • My grandmother's homemade apple pie.
  • Sports massages.

Miles logged: 7.0

Monday, November 17, 2014

Music Monday: Rollercoaster

Artist: Bleachers
Title: Rollercoaster
Fave Line: "Now I'm running and I can't stop anywhere I go"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Music Monday: I Bet My Life

Artist: Imagine Dragons
Title: I Bet My Life
Fave Line: "Don't tell me that I'm wrong"

Miles Logged: 0.0

No running=No blogging

I've been a really bad blogger lately; an absent one actually. It's not for any particular reason, really. Other than I haven't been running much. I've had a couple of weeks worth of travel, which has thrown off my schedule. I've been lucky to get a day or two of running in a week. I've also managed to catch a head cold and get an ear infection from all the traveling (hey, at least it isn't Ebola) that has me down for the count. Combined with the weather roller coaster we are on in North Texas, I've had a hard time getting better. In fact, yesterday morning I woke up and was unable to swallow. I think one of my glands or lymph nodes or something was swollen. I'm on antibiotics now and hope to start feeling better soon.

Miles logged: 10.45

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Month in Review: October

A little is the best of Runner's World Page-a-Day calendar for October.

If only I knew this secret sooner!
I usually have the bag in the car, but not the accoutrements (water bottle, sunglasses, hat, etc.) 
They also hold you accountable
This is great advice if you don't sweat profusely like I do. Shower, hair and make-up make a lunchtime run at least 2 hours...
The elliptical is my preferred form of cross training.
I always think about stopping on Saturday mornings, but I'm really not going to buy anything at a garage sale, so why stop!?
I always use my husband for this!

Don't over do it. Select a training plan you can stick to.
I use Friend me!
Miles logged: 0.0

Monday, November 3, 2014

Music Monday: I Bet My Life

Artist: Imagine Dragons
Title: I Bet My Life
Fave Line: "There's you in everything I do"

Miles Logged: 3.5