When I started training for my first half marathon, a friend told me that the only thing I needed to worry about was my breathing. Once I had my breathing down, he said, everything else would come easily. I, of course, thought this was a load of crap.
But he was actually right. If you can control your breathing, you can run forever (or until your body breaks down, whichever comes first). I don't think you have to be able to hold a conversation like you've read elsewhere, but keeping your breathing steady is important. In through the nose and out through the mouth--it even helps prevent that stitch in your side.
And to prove it, the Zen-master of breathing advice was in town visiting this weekend and joined us for an 11 mile run. Normally a runner that averages 6 miles at a time, he was able to run further than he had ever run before!
The next time you are running and start to get out of breath, just slow down a bit until you recover. The heavy panting is just a symptom of running too hard. Slow down and enjoy yourself!
Miles logged: 11
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