Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mother of the Year

My husband and one of our dogs, Tony, left for Colombia yesterday; Tony has moved their permanently but my hubby will be back. That left me with a big hole in my heart and another depressed dog, Eddie, at home. While my husband travels back and forth to Colombia multiple times a year, we never really get used to it. Eddie was pretty clingy yesterday after I dropped them off at the airport. I made a concerted effort to stay home with him all day.

I got up this morning and didn't expect to have any separation issues with Eddie. However, he was a big baby. I was fully dressed in my running gear, camelback loaded and ready to go, and Eddie started crying. Though I didn't see any doggy tears, he was wailing and I hadn't even gone outside yet. I was starting to feel like the worst mother ever.

I couldn't bear to leave this face
Not to mention, he had worked himself up to an upset stomach, and what I call gurgly guts. I kicked off my aqua sox, grabbed a blanket and curled up next to him on the couch. I would have loved to have slept, but his stomach was so noisy, I couldn't nod off. I laid with him for close to an hour before I slinked out from underneath the blanket and out the door for my run. I don't think he noticed I had even left.

There was a second time today in which I had to leave him. And he boohoo-ed again. But I'm pretty sure I redeemed myself...I bought him a new rug for his room. Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes Eddie happier than a soft rug for him to rub his belly on. What do you think? Do I win Mother of the Year?

And for those of you who read my blog, but have never met me, I sound NOTHING like the video!

Miles logged: 9.5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rubbing his belly, yeah that's what he is doing.......

    1. I like to give him the benefit of the doubt since I can't read his mind...
