Saturday, June 29, 2013


The temperature this morning when I left for my run was already 80 degrees. And I didn't sleep well last night, so I was definitely dreading the next 2 hours. But this is summertime in Dallas, and it sucks. Maybe I should have stayed in bed.

I saw 4 bunnies on the trail today, which is more than double what I normally see, a bunny invasion if you will. I always take a bunny count for Eddie. He likes to hear about them when I get home.

This is Eddie. He loves (to eat) bunnies.
There was an invasion of another sort as well, runners. There was a 5k that ran through the park with dogs and strollers and other things to dodge. I run this route to avoid hassle and crowds, I usually only see the same 10 people every week. The heat plus the annoyance really wore me out. I stopped at a secluded bench for a few minutes to recharge since everything had broken down, my form, my mental focus, my will to live.

Ultimately I crossed the finish line of the 5k that I loathed and those lovely people cheered for me.

Miles logged: 10.0

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Baby Steps

By some miracle, I've been able to squeeze in 2 runs so far this week! I haven't been able to blog about each one, but thanks to Bill Murray, we all know it takes baby steps. Baby steps to the gym, baby steps onto the treadmill, baby steps off the treadmill, baby steps onto the elevator, aaaaahhh! If you don't remember this scene, watch "What About Bob?" again, great movie!

And I can relate to Bob's loathing of elevators, I experienced it today in fact. 

A little background if you don't normally follow my blog. I belong to a national chain of gyms (this story has no bearing on them, so they shall remain nameless), where I have a ridiculously cheap membership that I bought through Costco, and which my company also subsidizes. I basically get a monthly membership to this gym for almost free each month, and like that a lot! Also, the location is super convenient, as it is located on the top floor of the parking garage where I park my car every day. So it takes very little effort for me to go to the gym (assuming that I leave the office at a reasonable hour). 

The only problem is, the elevators in the parking garage are under going maintenance for the next 1 million years. Only one of the two elevaors has been working since April. Which means that it takes forever for the elevator to arrive. I'm not a primadonna (well, not too much), but I will wait days for that elevator rather than walking up 10 flights of stairs in my work clothes and high heels in an unairconditioned stairwell when it is 100 degrees outside. I'm not going to do it. I also do not walk down 10 flights of stairs. As a matter of fact, I pretty much never go down stairs because it hurts my knees too much. 

Guess what joy was waiting for me when I finished my run today...2 broken elevators. Yeah, I had to struggle down 10 flights of stairs after running.  It was awful. I got passed GOING DOWN THE STAIRS by several people. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was? I would have been fine if they had passed me going up the stairs, but come on! I got passed because I was going down the stairs like a grandma. 

Miles logged: 3.5

Monday, June 24, 2013

Music Monday: Blurred Lines

Artist: Robin Thicke
Title: Blurred Lines
Fave Line: "Maybe I'm going deaf, Maybe I'm going blind, Maybe I'm out of my mind"

Miles logged:

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I've recovered about 75% from my death bed and this horrendous cold, but I can't seem to get over the hump. I've got a lovely cough and my nose basically won't stop running. I stopped and bought Mucinex yesterday, hoping for a miracle in a box. It wasn't. I think I might have a sinus infection. Can I cure that myself? I need to google my ongoing symptoms and see what I'm dying from.

I have only run once in two weeks, so I thought it would be a good idea to get up early and go for a long run. I have to say, this wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Friday was the official start to summer, and the heat has already arrived in Dallas. It was hot, muggy, and my chest burned when I tried to take deep breaths. Oh yeah, and remember how I said earlier my nose won't stop running? I opted not to take any kleenex with me... It pretty much sucked. I did power through, at a very slow pace (slower than usual), and managed a respectable distance.

I'm hoping for a reasonable week at work and to try to get back in the habit of running. I've barely been able to get in 2 runs a week lately and I hate it. I miss running. I miss judging people at the gym. I miss racing the person on the treadmill next to me. I've got to get back into it, for my own sanity.

Miles logged: 9.25

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I am a Marathon Runner

I haven't been running much lately between work and getting over a cold. But check out my new swag!

Miles logged: 0.0

Monday, June 17, 2013

Music Monday Throw Back: Baby Got Back

Artist: Sir Mix-a-Lot
Title: Baby Got Back
Fave Line: "Tell 'em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!) Shake that healthy butt!" I like to shake my butt to this part when I'm running!

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Hate Summer Colds

Actually, I hate being sick in general, but a cold in the middle of June really blows. The only positive thing about being sick is enjoying hot toddies. I've been a giant ball of snot since Wednesday. I've gone through at least a gallon of Nyquil and an entire box of tissues. I may have hacked up one of my lungs. Needless to say, I have not gone running. I did set my alarm for both Saturday and Sunday mornings with the intent to run, but felt so terrible that I rolled over and went back to sleep. Actually, I rolled over and just lay there trying to breathe, sleep is difficult when you can't do that.

This afternoon I started to feel somewhat better though. Without getting into too much detail, things are flowing and I'm not as exhausted anymore. My big plans are to hit the gym tomorrow after work. We'll see if I make it.

Miles logged: 0.0

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Holy Treadmill Batman!

The gym that I go to isn't the best kept gym around, but it gets a 10+ for convenience. At any given time, there could be up to half of the treadmills out of service...but only a couple have been waiting for service lately. Today, I ran on one that actually needed service. That, or the treadmill gods were making me pay for laughing out loud at a lady falling down on the news (there was some story on about high heels and an older lady tripped and fell and I found it very funny) because the treadmill randomly dropped down to 4 mph. The swift and unexpected change in speed made me almost fall down myself. 

I figured one random speed change was a fluke, but after the second time it happened, it was time to find a different treadmill! 

Miles logged: 3.0

Monday, June 10, 2013

Music Monday: Next to Me

Artist: Emeli Sande
Title: Next to Me
Fave Line: The chorus, simple, but I love to sing this out loud when no one is around on a run!
Next to me ooohhooohh! Next to me ooohhooohh! Next to me ooohhooohh! You will find him, you'll find him next to me.

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I Suck at Running

I may love this sport, but I fully recognize that I'm not very good at it. I've been running for 3 years and while I've figured out how to improve my form, gotten faster, and learned what it takes to fuel my body, I completely ignore all of this wisdom.

Yesterday we threw a bridal shower for my boss who is now off in Greece getting married (lucky!) and I proceeded to eat all kinds of garbage. I had a chicken biscuit for breakfast and leftover chicken minis for lunch (I really love Chikfila), a pound of cheese despite my lactose intolerance, strawberry shortcake and a few bites of fruit. What the hell was I thinking?

My body made sure to remind me of what an idiot I am every step along my run today. I had GI issues, as you can imagine, and an all around sluggishness. I won't be doing this again!

Miles logged: 10.3

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Celebrate National Running Day!

Today is National Running day and I celebrated by getting up early and hitting the hotel gym's treadmill!
Yup, took this gem of a photo while I was running! This is what I've been relegated to while on the road in Phoenix. I usually love to explore a new city on a run, but that's not going to happen in Phoenix, in June. It was 94 degrees at 10:30 last night! I don't care if the humidity is low, that's freaking hot!

So whether it is on the treadmill or outside on a beautiful route, get out and run to celebrate National Running Day!

Miles logged: 3.0

Monday, June 3, 2013

Music Monday: You and I

This post is sponsored by the free XM satellite radio preview; without it, I would not have heard my new favorite song. Enjoy!!

Artist: Crystal Fighters
Title: You and I
Fave Line: "And I aint' need nothing else, no-one else but you and I. And it ain't me, it ain't you, it's only us, it's us right now."

Miles logged: 0.0