
My first 10k was a success! It started out as an overcast morning, with a threat of rain, but it held off and the sun even peaked out a few times. We started out on a flat course, running a fast time, but pulled back when we realized how fast we were going and that it would be difficult to keep up for another 5 miles! Definitely didn't want to run out of gas at mile 4! And good thing we did, as there were some challenging hills in the second half of the race. I thrive on hills, as they are the thing I'm good at when running. Not a single runner passed me going up the hills. Unfortunately, I can't run down them nearly as fast, too much pain in my foot and hip (old injuries).
The biggest race disappointment was the finish line, for a couple of reasons. There was hardly anyone there to cheer you on. A few families mulling around, but no clapping, no cheering, and not a single hi-five. The lack of finishers' medals was ultimate stake through the heart. I figured I'd definitely get a medal for a 10k.
My favorite post race snack is a banana...and they were all out. Thank goodness Dunkin' Donuts was there with a delicious sprinkled donut for me to enjoy! It almost made me forget that I didn't get a medal for completing this race, almost.
Race grade: sold B
Pros: scenic course, well placed water stations, nice shirts, good post race party, ice cold beer
Cons: long stretches of broken asphalt, hardly any spectators, no bananas, NO MEDAL
The race started like this....
And ended with this!
Miles logged: 6.2
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