Happy New Year to all of my blog followers! Your visits to my site encourage me to continue writing! May your 2012 be the best year yet!
I remember one year ago I was training for my first half marathon... One year later, I'm about to run my 5th. It's amazing the difference a year makes and the change in your perspective. As part of my training for the Dallas Rock 'n Roll half marathon, I had to run 4.5 miles on New Year's day. Granted, not the best planning, but the training calendar is an immovable force. I did my best to control my alcohol intake and behave myself during the New Year's festivities in order to be prepared for the run the next day--at that time, the longest run of my life!
That was the day I first experienced a runner's high, or as I like to call it, the day I ran 5 miles (.5 more than I had to!) and didn't hate every step! It was a magical day for me, to get past that hurdle of hating running.
And look at me now! Today was a shorter run for me, 8 miles, as I taper down for my race next week. One week until the Bold in the Cold Half Marathon in Grapevine, TX. Can't wait for the adrenaline high!
Miles logged: 8
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Vacation is the best
I'm lucky enough to have a bit of vacation time to burn before the end of the year. That's how I have almost 10 days off during the holidays. I haven't forgotten that I'm training for a half marathon that is in a week and a half, but I haven't strictly adhered to my training calendar. A little cheating never hurt anyone, right?
This week I've managed to get in my longest training run (11 miles), have a massage (strangely unsatisfying), and catch up on some much needed rest.
I dug out an old race shirt today--my first race shirt, in fact. From the Superbowl XLV 5k, on January 8, 2011. We decided to run it because all race finishers had a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Superbowl. Needless to say, we didn't win the tickets, but my first race was a ton of fun. It was cold, I ran too fast, but I got a medal and a Snickers once I crossed the finish line! I couldn't have been happier! I learned a lot from that race, but the most important thing I learned was to smile for the cameramen. If you don't, your pictures will turn out terrible! I've never made that mistake again!
Miles logged: 3
This week I've managed to get in my longest training run (11 miles), have a massage (strangely unsatisfying), and catch up on some much needed rest.
I dug out an old race shirt today--my first race shirt, in fact. From the Superbowl XLV 5k, on January 8, 2011. We decided to run it because all race finishers had a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Superbowl. Needless to say, we didn't win the tickets, but my first race was a ton of fun. It was cold, I ran too fast, but I got a medal and a Snickers once I crossed the finish line! I couldn't have been happier! I learned a lot from that race, but the most important thing I learned was to smile for the cameramen. If you don't, your pictures will turn out terrible! I've never made that mistake again!
Miles logged: 3
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
My Obsession with Running
I didn't think I was obsessed, but other people seemed to have noticed. This was apparent by the deluge of running gear that I received from my family for Christmas this year. Tops, bottoms, socks, you name it, I got it. And I am grateful, other than some new sports bras, a pair or two of shorts, and race shirts, my running gear is old and is in need of relplacing. The oversized cotton tshirts from 1999 must now go!
Miles logged: 11
Miles logged: 11
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas to all Runners
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all the runners out there! I am taking a day off in light of the holiday-and considering it is almost noon, I'm still in my pajamas, and it is freezing outside!
Miles logged: 0
Miles logged: 0
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'm not an expert
I’m certainly not a running expert, but I always feel the need to pass along advice to others that don’t appear to know what they are doing. I don’t know if I have an innate need to help, or if I just think I’m smarter than them.
Case in point—the other day at the gym, a young woman got on the treadmill next to me. She put the treadmill on 3.8 mph and proceeded to “run”. Now, “run” is in quotes, because what she was doing can’t really be called running. She was bouncing and hopping around. Her head was literally bounding up and down at least 12 inches. I can’t imagine the amount of impact her joints were absorbing with that much vertical change during her run.
As a minimalist runner, the goal is to land as lightly as possible with each step since you don’t have the cushion of shock absorbing Nike soles. We typically have shorter strides and bend our knees more than traditional runners to minimize the bounce in our steps. So now I notice runners that are on the other end of the spectrum and worry about them injuring themselves.
Ultimately I decided not to counsel the “runner” next to me at the gym. I’m guessing the pain she felt the next day was enough to tell her she had done something wrong.
Miles logged: 0
Case in point—the other day at the gym, a young woman got on the treadmill next to me. She put the treadmill on 3.8 mph and proceeded to “run”. Now, “run” is in quotes, because what she was doing can’t really be called running. She was bouncing and hopping around. Her head was literally bounding up and down at least 12 inches. I can’t imagine the amount of impact her joints were absorbing with that much vertical change during her run.
As a minimalist runner, the goal is to land as lightly as possible with each step since you don’t have the cushion of shock absorbing Nike soles. We typically have shorter strides and bend our knees more than traditional runners to minimize the bounce in our steps. So now I notice runners that are on the other end of the spectrum and worry about them injuring themselves.
Ultimately I decided not to counsel the “runner” next to me at the gym. I’m guessing the pain she felt the next day was enough to tell her she had done something wrong.
Miles logged: 0
Sunday, December 18, 2011
A Run of Surprises
Since I'm officially signed up for a race on January 7, I'm back in training. And with the race being only 3 weeks away, I need to train hard!
So what a surprise I had today while running at the park to see a tiny Chiweenie walking on the sidewalk. My husband came to the park with Eddie to surprise me on my run. I stopped for a few minutes to say hello and take a quick picture. What a nice surprise!
The other surprise was waiting for me when I arrived home, compliments of my amazing husband. Fried zucchini from Carl's Jr. Yum!!!
Miles logged: 10
So what a surprise I had today while running at the park to see a tiny Chiweenie walking on the sidewalk. My husband came to the park with Eddie to surprise me on my run. I stopped for a few minutes to say hello and take a quick picture. What a nice surprise!
The other surprise was waiting for me when I arrived home, compliments of my amazing husband. Fried zucchini from Carl's Jr. Yum!!!
Miles logged: 10
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Major disappointment
I've been planning for a few weeks to run the New Years Double (just the half on the 31st), but I've been holding off on signing up because I haven't officially been training. I just went to sign up and it is sold out! :(
Come to find out the half was limited to 200 racers. No wonder it has been sold out for over a month already. The good news is that I was able to find another half in Dallas a week later (probably better for me anyway).
Bold in the Cold, here I come!!!
Miles logged: 3.5
Come to find out the half was limited to 200 racers. No wonder it has been sold out for over a month already. The good news is that I was able to find another half in Dallas a week later (probably better for me anyway).
Bold in the Cold, here I come!!!
Miles logged: 3.5
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Gym is Not for Socialization
If you look up the word gym (or gymnasium) in the dictionary, you will find that it is a location where you can perform physical exercise. No where in the modern day definition does it mention mass socialization or meet-up (the Ancient Greeks may have philosophized, but there is no one at my gym that even closely represents the Greeks!). Which is why I get so irritated at the mass groups of women that stand around in the locker room, crowding the lockers and get in my way. Or the overly muscled men that don't lift a single weight while I'm running, since it would get in the way of their "deep" conversations with other overly muscled guys.
This evening I was a particular burden on 2 girls that spent a whopping 15 minutes on the treadmills on either side of me. Apparently, me being on a treadmill in the middle of them and their conversation was a huge inconvenience. And they made it very clear by trying to talk through me, loudly. I did my best to get in their way, which I'm sure pissed them off!
My point is, the gym is a place for hard work. You only get out of it what you put into it. Spending the short amount of time I have there chatting it up is a huge waste. I just wonder why others don't feel this way as well.
Miles logged: 3.5
This evening I was a particular burden on 2 girls that spent a whopping 15 minutes on the treadmills on either side of me. Apparently, me being on a treadmill in the middle of them and their conversation was a huge inconvenience. And they made it very clear by trying to talk through me, loudly. I did my best to get in their way, which I'm sure pissed them off!
My point is, the gym is a place for hard work. You only get out of it what you put into it. Spending the short amount of time I have there chatting it up is a huge waste. I just wonder why others don't feel this way as well.
Miles logged: 3.5
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Am I ready to sign up for my next race?
I've been telling myself for a few weeks that I needed to get back on track with my training if I wanted to run the New Year's Double (but only the half on New Year's Eve). But training has been difficult with traveling and sickness. The good news is that my health is on the mend. I broke down and went to the urgent care clinic on Friday. A steroid shot to the butt and a round of antibiotics (sinus infection), and I'm feeling better already. I'm definitely not 100%, but I'm getting there.
Today was a test of how well I've been holding up and to see of I really can get trained up for December 31. I was able to make it for the full 8 miles I needed to run, without stopping, despite the difficulties breathing and the cold. My time wasn't great, but I did it. And my muscles held up well, just tired feet and sore hips.
Now I just have to decide whether to sign up for my next big race!!
Miles logged: 8
Today was a test of how well I've been holding up and to see of I really can get trained up for December 31. I was able to make it for the full 8 miles I needed to run, without stopping, despite the difficulties breathing and the cold. My time wasn't great, but I did it. And my muscles held up well, just tired feet and sore hips.
Now I just have to decide whether to sign up for my next big race!!
Miles logged: 8
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ever use a sauna?
I've never used one before, but with battling another head cold and major hip pain, I figured it was worth a try. I sat in the sauna for about 10 minutes before my run today and for another 10 afterward. Not sure if the heat helped with the hip pain, but it sure helped me open up my sinuses and breathe. It is a few hours later and I'm still feeling pretty good. Anyone know if it is safe for your iPod in there?
I passed a milestone today, as well. I ran my first sub 10 minute mile. As you know from previous blogs, I am not a fast runner, so this was a huge feat for me! And I was sick. And it was the last mile of my run!
Miles logged: 3
I passed a milestone today, as well. I ran my first sub 10 minute mile. As you know from previous blogs, I am not a fast runner, so this was a huge feat for me! And I was sick. And it was the last mile of my run!
Miles logged: 3
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Foam Roller is the Devil
There is one inanimate object that can literally make me cry. That object is the mother &$@&$:!!) foam roller.
Back in March, I had severe IT band pain in my knees and instead of following the doctor's order of rest and PT, I bought a foam roller, thinking I could cure myself! The first time I used the foam roller (if you've never used one, google: foam roller for IT bad), I was in so much pain, that I couldn't go on. That foam roller made me miserable!
I eventually worked out my IT band issues, but have brought out the foam roller again. This time I have pain in my hips (if you follow my my blog regularly, this is a new pain, in both hips). It sits at the front top of my hip bone, and feels like a strained muscle. I have pain when I put weight on my feet and when I reach or twist. I've performed a lot of Internet research and think it might have to do with tight IT bands or tight tendons. I've been rolling around on the foam roller for the last 2 days, trying to get some relief from the pain. It hasn't lessened, but I know I'm doing something right because of the excruciating pain when using the roller!
Miles logged: 0
Back in March, I had severe IT band pain in my knees and instead of following the doctor's order of rest and PT, I bought a foam roller, thinking I could cure myself! The first time I used the foam roller (if you've never used one, google: foam roller for IT bad), I was in so much pain, that I couldn't go on. That foam roller made me miserable!
I eventually worked out my IT band issues, but have brought out the foam roller again. This time I have pain in my hips (if you follow my my blog regularly, this is a new pain, in both hips). It sits at the front top of my hip bone, and feels like a strained muscle. I have pain when I put weight on my feet and when I reach or twist. I've performed a lot of Internet research and think it might have to do with tight IT bands or tight tendons. I've been rolling around on the foam roller for the last 2 days, trying to get some relief from the pain. It hasn't lessened, but I know I'm doing something right because of the excruciating pain when using the roller!
Miles logged: 0
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I'm a planner. I have never waited until the last minute for anything, never pulled an all nighter in college, I am always prepared. However, lately I have waited until the last minute to pack for trips out of town.
We spent the weekend in Napa, celebrating my 32nd birthday, and I didn't pack my suitcase until 8pm the night before we left (flight at 7:55am, so fairly last minute). I paid attention to the weather, and thought I packed appropriately. And for the most part, I did. Except when it came to my running attire. I brought a pair of tights and a long sleeve tech shirt to run in. It was 35 degrees when I woke up this morning! A tad too cold for no layers! I woke up at 6am, and waited for the sun to come up only to realize that it was too cold to run outside. I ended up running at the gym instead. At least there were windows and a nice view of the Napa River!
I didn't run as much as I had hoped to run today. I'm hoping to run the New Years' Double (the half marathon on December 31st only), but I'm not sure I'm in good enough shape to do it. I was hoping to get in 8 miles today and work my way up over the next 3 weeks. I'm going to shoot for 10 miles next weekend, if I can do it, then I'll sign up for my next race!
Miles logged: 5
We spent the weekend in Napa, celebrating my 32nd birthday, and I didn't pack my suitcase until 8pm the night before we left (flight at 7:55am, so fairly last minute). I paid attention to the weather, and thought I packed appropriately. And for the most part, I did. Except when it came to my running attire. I brought a pair of tights and a long sleeve tech shirt to run in. It was 35 degrees when I woke up this morning! A tad too cold for no layers! I woke up at 6am, and waited for the sun to come up only to realize that it was too cold to run outside. I ended up running at the gym instead. At least there were windows and a nice view of the Napa River!
I didn't run as much as I had hoped to run today. I'm hoping to run the New Years' Double (the half marathon on December 31st only), but I'm not sure I'm in good enough shape to do it. I was hoping to get in 8 miles today and work my way up over the next 3 weeks. I'm going to shoot for 10 miles next weekend, if I can do it, then I'll sign up for my next race!
Miles logged: 5
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Worst. Run. Ever.
Today was the worst treadmill run ever. I was bombarded with the nastiest, smelliest scent I've ever experienced while running. Think a cross between BO and curry, mixed with sweat. It was awful.
I tried everything to escape the smell: fan on, fan off, breathing through my towel, turning my head away from the stinker. But it was so strong that you could taste it in the air. It was awful. I was going to change treadmills, but they were all full. It was awful. Please don't ever let this happen again!
Miles logged: 4.0
I tried everything to escape the smell: fan on, fan off, breathing through my towel, turning my head away from the stinker. But it was so strong that you could taste it in the air. It was awful. I was going to change treadmills, but they were all full. It was awful. Please don't ever let this happen again!
Miles logged: 4.0
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Anniversary of Run
Today is the day, my one year anniversary of running!! And I memorialized it with the same run that started it all for me!
Last Thanksgiving, my husband and I ran down to the convenience store and bought the newspaper. The trip is just under 1.5 miles and I remember not being able to run the whole thing. I also distinctly remember hating every step. Today, was a completely different day for me. Instead of thinking "when will this be over?" I thought instead "do I have enough time to go further?"
So on this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and for a (mostly) healthy body and mind that allow me to continue pursuing my passion. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Miles logged: 4.5
Last Thanksgiving, my husband and I ran down to the convenience store and bought the newspaper. The trip is just under 1.5 miles and I remember not being able to run the whole thing. I also distinctly remember hating every step. Today, was a completely different day for me. Instead of thinking "when will this be over?" I thought instead "do I have enough time to go further?"
So on this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and for a (mostly) healthy body and mind that allow me to continue pursuing my passion. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Miles logged: 4.5
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Running in Texas
Today was one of those days where I was reminded that I really do live in Texas. It was in the mid 70s at 8am this morning with 100% humidity. There aren't many parts of the country where you can wear a pair of shorts and a tank top in late November and arrive home dripping wet, but that is Texas for you.
In addition to the oppressive heat (it was hotter and more miserable than training in July, I swear), it was sunny, cloudy, drizzly, and pouring down rain, all in the span of about 2 hours. There is a saying here: if you don't like the weather, wait a day, it will change. And it is oh so true.
And I also met this little guy, another reminder that I live in this great state!
Miles logged: 8.0
In addition to the oppressive heat (it was hotter and more miserable than training in July, I swear), it was sunny, cloudy, drizzly, and pouring down rain, all in the span of about 2 hours. There is a saying here: if you don't like the weather, wait a day, it will change. And it is oh so true.
And I also met this little guy, another reminder that I live in this great state!
Miles logged: 8.0
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Can Running Cure a Head Cold?
Apparently not. I tried this today and I have to admit, running helped clear my sinuses, but only for a little bit.
I started feeling poorly a few day ago, but I was hoping it was just horrible allergies. Now I'm on my second day of a full blown head cold and I'm terrified of losing my current level of cardio fitness. I've worked so hard to get to this place, that I don't want to have to take a step backward.
I also haven't run since the Fort Worth Half Marathon last Sunday, so I was feeling a little guilty. I thought a short run would at least help me with the guilt!
As soon as I got past about a half mile, I started feeling great. I could breathe and the headache actually subsided! Weird thing was, I hardly sweat at all today. Usually I'm drenched when I'm done. The good feeling was gone as quickly as it arrived. I started sneezing during the cool down and barely made it back to the locker room before I had to start blowing my nose again.
At least I got to feel well for a little while today!!
Miles logged: 3
I started feeling poorly a few day ago, but I was hoping it was just horrible allergies. Now I'm on my second day of a full blown head cold and I'm terrified of losing my current level of cardio fitness. I've worked so hard to get to this place, that I don't want to have to take a step backward.
I also haven't run since the Fort Worth Half Marathon last Sunday, so I was feeling a little guilty. I thought a short run would at least help me with the guilt!
As soon as I got past about a half mile, I started feeling great. I could breathe and the headache actually subsided! Weird thing was, I hardly sweat at all today. Usually I'm drenched when I'm done. The good feeling was gone as quickly as it arrived. I started sneezing during the cool down and barely made it back to the locker room before I had to start blowing my nose again.
At least I got to feel well for a little while today!!
Miles logged: 3
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
The body is amazing. It's ability to recover from being beat up is unmatched.
I attended a seminar recently about how to keep your employees engaged (I'm an HR geek) and the speaker said something that really hit home. The speaker said his definition of fitness is your ability to recover. The fitter you get, the faster you recover. The faster you recover, the fitter you are. And now I actually understand what he means.
One day after running 13.1 miles, I feel like a million bucks! My hip hurts (it always hurst now) and I have a tiny amount of muscle soreness in my quads, but otherwise I feel fantastic! I've never felt this good after a long race! Now I'm looking for my next big race and can't wait to do it again!!
Miles logged: 0
I attended a seminar recently about how to keep your employees engaged (I'm an HR geek) and the speaker said something that really hit home. The speaker said his definition of fitness is your ability to recover. The fitter you get, the faster you recover. The faster you recover, the fitter you are. And now I actually understand what he means.
One day after running 13.1 miles, I feel like a million bucks! My hip hurts (it always hurst now) and I have a tiny amount of muscle soreness in my quads, but otherwise I feel fantastic! I've never felt this good after a long race! Now I'm looking for my next big race and can't wait to do it again!!
Miles logged: 0
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Hardest Race Yet
So I did it! Not without a lot of hard work and pain, but I finished my second half marathon in 7 days! This morning I was so nervous that I didn't think I could do it, but I did!
The Fort Worth marathon is a small race, with 3 distances-full marathon, 20 miles, and half marathon. With approximately 800 runners in all 3 races, this is by far one of the smallest races I've run. It was the hardest though.
The course itself was beautiful and fairly flat. We ran along the Trinity River banks in Fort Worth. Very picturesque. I attempted to take several pictures of the course, but I am not very skilled at running and snapping photos!
The weather was also very warm today. It was almost 80 degrees by the time I finished. But the beer at the finish line was ice cold and really hit the spot!
This race had the best medal to date. It is not only a medal with a killer tye-dye ribbon, but it also doubles as a belt buckle!!! I now need to buy a belt (I didn't even know you could buy a belt without a buckle, I thought they always came together) to show off my new bling!
Miles logged: 13.1
The Fort Worth marathon is a small race, with 3 distances-full marathon, 20 miles, and half marathon. With approximately 800 runners in all 3 races, this is by far one of the smallest races I've run. It was the hardest though.
Ready with my Twinkies!
There were a couple of reasons this race kicked my butt, least of which was a 13.1 mile race last Sunday. I think there were 2 major challenges for me in this race-a very strong headwind for the first 7 miles and several miles of gravel trail. There was a steady wind blowing directly into my face for the first half of the race, and it was strong. I tried to draft off of other racers, but the angle of the wind was such that drafting wouldn't work. So by the time I hit the midway point, I was exhausted. At least the wind was at my back for the rest of the race! The other big challenge for me was the gravel trail. If you follow my blog, you know that I run in minimalist shoes-today's were my trusty Wal-Mart brand aqua sox. I should have known something was up when a lady asked me how I handled all the rocks with these shoes on. I had no idea that she was referring to the 2-3 miles of this race that were riddled with rocks! The gravel was hard on my feet and I only allowed myself to stop one time to empty the stragglers out of my shoes. The course itself was beautiful and fairly flat. We ran along the Trinity River banks in Fort Worth. Very picturesque. I attempted to take several pictures of the course, but I am not very skilled at running and snapping photos!
The weather was also very warm today. It was almost 80 degrees by the time I finished. But the beer at the finish line was ice cold and really hit the spot!
This race had the best medal to date. It is not only a medal with a killer tye-dye ribbon, but it also doubles as a belt buckle!!! I now need to buy a belt (I didn't even know you could buy a belt without a buckle, I thought they always came together) to show off my new bling!
Miles logged: 13.1
Small crowd at the starting line
Beautiful scenery along the Trinity River
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I'm in full panic mode over the half marathon race tomorrow! Maybe running 2 half marathons in 7 days wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had. Definitely brave, but maybe not so smart.
I'll be running the Fort Worth Half Marathon tomorrow and I'm really living on the edge because I will also be picking up my bib in the morning. Nothing like being unprepared on race day!
Hopefully I can calm my nerves enough to get a good night's sleep! I have to be out of here by 6:15 a.m.!
Miles logged: 3.0 (on the elliptical, so not sure it counts)
I'll be running the Fort Worth Half Marathon tomorrow and I'm really living on the edge because I will also be picking up my bib in the morning. Nothing like being unprepared on race day!
Hopefully I can calm my nerves enough to get a good night's sleep! I have to be out of here by 6:15 a.m.!
Miles logged: 3.0 (on the elliptical, so not sure it counts)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Carbo Loading is Exhausting
My 2nd half marathon in 7 days is right around the corner, and I'm carbo loading for the second weekend in a row. And I'm tired of it. Who would have thought that unlimited pasta and sourdoughbread would get old?!
Miles logged: 0
Miles logged: 0
Monday, November 7, 2011
My favorite stretch
Let me begin by telling you that I hate stretching. I don't do it before I run, I occasionally do it after a long run, but I'm not a stretcher. I also don't believe in warming up. It's all a waste of time to me.
I read an article about a research study that found athletes that stretch before running were no less likely to sustain an injury than those that didn't stretch. I stopped stretching after this revelation. Other research ha suggested that athletes should warm up for 5-10 minutes, stretch, then start their activity.
But as someone that works long hours, is a single mother to a very needy Chiweenie (6 months out of the year), has a husband that I enjoy spending time with, I don't have a second more to waste at the gym if I'm going to be in bed by 9pm every night.
Stretching and warming up? No thank you!
While I despise both activities since they are a waste of time, it surprised me that I recently discovered a stretch that makes everything better. I call it the Indo Squat, named affectionately after the men in Indonesia that have perfected this pose. In order to perform the Indo Squat, place your feet flat on the ground, a little wider than shoulder width apart. Then squat down and let your butt hang down between your ankles, barely off the floor. You'll feel a stretch through every tight muscle in your legs.
It feels great after a long race and I have snuck into the ladies room at work to do it to ease some of my post half marathon soreness!
Miles logged: 3
I read an article about a research study that found athletes that stretch before running were no less likely to sustain an injury than those that didn't stretch. I stopped stretching after this revelation. Other research ha suggested that athletes should warm up for 5-10 minutes, stretch, then start their activity.
But as someone that works long hours, is a single mother to a very needy Chiweenie (6 months out of the year), has a husband that I enjoy spending time with, I don't have a second more to waste at the gym if I'm going to be in bed by 9pm every night.
Stretching and warming up? No thank you!
While I despise both activities since they are a waste of time, it surprised me that I recently discovered a stretch that makes everything better. I call it the Indo Squat, named affectionately after the men in Indonesia that have perfected this pose. In order to perform the Indo Squat, place your feet flat on the ground, a little wider than shoulder width apart. Then squat down and let your butt hang down between your ankles, barely off the floor. You'll feel a stretch through every tight muscle in your legs.
It feels great after a long race and I have snuck into the ladies room at work to do it to ease some of my post half marathon soreness!
Miles logged: 3
I'm Going for It!
I'm doing it!
I'm officially attempting to become a member of the Half Fanatics (www.halffanatics.com). Today I signed up for my 4th half of the year AND it is only one week away! If I am able to finish, and I will, I will be eligible to become a level one, Neptune, Half Fanatic!
Who would have thought that one year ago I wasn't even running?!
Miles logged: 0
I'm officially attempting to become a member of the Half Fanatics (www.halffanatics.com). Today I signed up for my 4th half of the year AND it is only one week away! If I am able to finish, and I will, I will be eligible to become a level one, Neptune, Half Fanatic!
Who would have thought that one year ago I wasn't even running?!
Miles logged: 0
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Half #3 is in the Bag!
I finished half marathon #3 today and it was an amazing feeling crossing the finish line again. It wasn't without pain, hard work, and a couple of conversations with myself not to stop!
The course around White Rock Lake was beautiful. There were some challenging hills, but I had prepared well for hills in my training, so I rocked them! The water stations were perfectly placed, at every 2 miles or so. I carried Cytomax in my water bottle and grabbed water at the stations. It was nice to not be sticky from spilling the electrolytes, and I didn't have any horrible stomach issues like after SFO.
There weren't may cheering stations, but I was able to get in a few high-5's. We were not able to manage negative splits this race-and if you've never run a race this way, you should. We finished the first half in 1:13, on perfect pace to finish under my PR of 2:26, but we ran the second half slower than the first.
The worst part of the entire race was a bridge at about mile 8. I don't know if there was an earthquake at the moment we were running across, or if it was about to collapse, but the damn bridge was moving. A lot. Felt like I was running across the bridge in that old video of the suspension bridge in Washington State that moves in waves during an earthquake. It was super difficult to run across, as at each step, you had no idea where the bridge would be under your foot. My hip started screaming at this point, as you can imagine, but I powered through to half marathon victory!!!
Miles Logged: 13.1!!
The course around White Rock Lake was beautiful. There were some challenging hills, but I had prepared well for hills in my training, so I rocked them! The water stations were perfectly placed, at every 2 miles or so. I carried Cytomax in my water bottle and grabbed water at the stations. It was nice to not be sticky from spilling the electrolytes, and I didn't have any horrible stomach issues like after SFO.
There weren't may cheering stations, but I was able to get in a few high-5's. We were not able to manage negative splits this race-and if you've never run a race this way, you should. We finished the first half in 1:13, on perfect pace to finish under my PR of 2:26, but we ran the second half slower than the first.
The worst part of the entire race was a bridge at about mile 8. I don't know if there was an earthquake at the moment we were running across, or if it was about to collapse, but the damn bridge was moving. A lot. Felt like I was running across the bridge in that old video of the suspension bridge in Washington State that moves in waves during an earthquake. It was super difficult to run across, as at each step, you had no idea where the bridge would be under your foot. My hip started screaming at this point, as you can imagine, but I powered through to half marathon victory!!!
Miles Logged: 13.1!!
Pre race--in our Twinkie shirts!
The starting line!
Post race shenanigans!
A little post race carbo loading
Great medal!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Supporting All Racers
Tomorrow is the big day, so today is a day of rest for me. Instead I went out to support another race-the Susan G Komen 3-Day Race for the Cure. I went out, dressed in pink, to support my girls, Alli and Marti, in their 60 mile journey. And it was an amazing experience! I spent almost 2 hours cheering on complete strangers, giving out high-5's and having a great time!
From personal experience, there is nothing more motivational than someone yelling your name and words of encouragement during a race! I was so happy to be there to provide support to others who were walking for a great cause.
You ladies are doing a fantastic thing! I'm so proud of you!!
From personal experience, there is nothing more motivational than someone yelling your name and words of encouragement during a race! I was so happy to be there to provide support to others who were walking for a great cause.
You ladies are doing a fantastic thing! I'm so proud of you!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I'm ready for the half!
I completed the final run of my training for the DRC half marathon on Sunday and I feel great! I sprinted the last 0.1 to prepare myself for the race. I ran that last 0.1 at a 6.5 mph pace... I've never run that fast on a treadmill before!
Carbo loading begins tomorrow!
Miles logged: 3.0
Carbo loading begins tomorrow!
Miles logged: 3.0
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Let the Tapering Begin (or End)
Less than a week until my 3rd half marathon ever and I'm super excited for it! Today was packet pickup and now that i have my shirt and my bib, I can't wait for race day to arrive. One more run and lots of carbo loading in my near future!
Since I will be eating Twinkies on my run, I also made this shirt to wear during the race! Iron-on transfer on a dri-fit shirt. The font is "Hurry Up"!
Miles Logged: 0
Since I will be eating Twinkies on my run, I also made this shirt to wear during the race! Iron-on transfer on a dri-fit shirt. The font is "Hurry Up"!
Miles Logged: 0
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Damn it is cold
As I near my 1 year anniversary of running, the temperatures are starting to drop. I dreamed fondly of this while I trained throughout the hottest summer in history. I would now like to retract these stupid dreams in favor of running in the heat again.
This morning I ran at about 8:15, a little later than usual since I stayed up late watching game 7 of the World Series. I'm one week away from the DRC Half Marathon, so this run was a shorter on, at only 8 miles. The temperature outside was a cold 44 degrees. So cold, that there was frost on the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood.
Dressed in running tights and a long sleeve shirt, I was ill equipped to handle the cold. I needed another shirt and gloves. I have forgotten how to dress for the cold! The trail that I run on is well shaded and is around a creek. This provides for cooler temps and relief from the oppressive summer sun. This provides for even colder temps when it is already chilly.
I guess it is time to dig my winter running garb out of the closet and get ready for a cold race next Sunday!
I already miss the days of putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top and going on my way!
Miles logged: 8
This morning I ran at about 8:15, a little later than usual since I stayed up late watching game 7 of the World Series. I'm one week away from the DRC Half Marathon, so this run was a shorter on, at only 8 miles. The temperature outside was a cold 44 degrees. So cold, that there was frost on the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood.
Dressed in running tights and a long sleeve shirt, I was ill equipped to handle the cold. I needed another shirt and gloves. I have forgotten how to dress for the cold! The trail that I run on is well shaded and is around a creek. This provides for cooler temps and relief from the oppressive summer sun. This provides for even colder temps when it is already chilly.
I guess it is time to dig my winter running garb out of the closet and get ready for a cold race next Sunday!
I already miss the days of putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top and going on my way!
Miles logged: 8
Saturday, October 29, 2011
A little spa time
I think I may have jinxed myself. Only a few days after blogging about how Glucosamine saved my life, my hip started hurting again. Same hip, different pain.
I feel like I have pulled a muscle or have a terrible bruise on the top, outside part of my hip. There was no trauma to the site, but it hurts when walking, running, stretching side to side, and trying to sleep on my right side.
So instead of hitting the gym tonight, I opted to hit the spa instead! I don't get massages very often when I'm training, but I know I should. I figured a day off and a little TLC couldn't hurt. But it did. I hate getting massages when the therapist tries to work out a spot that already hurts. I know it is for the greater good, but ouch! And definitely not a relaxing experience!
I know have soreness all down my outer thigh. I suspect I will have bruises in the next few days. Let's just hope all the pain helps cure the pain!!!
Miles logged: 0
I feel like I have pulled a muscle or have a terrible bruise on the top, outside part of my hip. There was no trauma to the site, but it hurts when walking, running, stretching side to side, and trying to sleep on my right side.
So instead of hitting the gym tonight, I opted to hit the spa instead! I don't get massages very often when I'm training, but I know I should. I figured a day off and a little TLC couldn't hurt. But it did. I hate getting massages when the therapist tries to work out a spot that already hurts. I know it is for the greater good, but ouch! And definitely not a relaxing experience!
I know have soreness all down my outer thigh. I suspect I will have bruises in the next few days. Let's just hope all the pain helps cure the pain!!!
Miles logged: 0
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Wonders of Glucosamine
Running has really hurt my body. I'm not sure if I suffer from "too much too fast" syndrome or if I just have a weak body! But I have suffered some pretty rough injuries in the short time I've been running.
I have dealt with a stress fracture in my foot-of which I ran a half marathon with, so I know I am badass! I've had crippling knee pain that turned out to be IT band syndrome. I've also had to nurse myself through cartilage damage in my right hip. The pain in my hip started 3 days before the first half marathon I ran. It originally felt like a tight or pulled hip flexor. I thought I might be having sympathy pains for my friend who was dealing with a bone spur in her hip. Weeks after the race, I was still in a ton of pain, so I finally broke down and went to the doctor. He thought I had developed a stress fracture in my pelvis (treatable by at least 8 weeks on crutches) and sent me for an MRI. The good news was that I didn't have a stress fracture, but I had cartilage damage in my hip. Unfortunately, the MRI couldn't show the extent of the damage, I would need a second one with dye injected into my hip. I decided against this test, figuring I had enough radiation and would try other methods of treatment instead of PT and surgery.
I stopped running for a few weeks and started taking Flexamin, a blend of Glucosamine and Chondroitin. I saw a little improvement in my pain, but once I started running again, it was back. I did a bunch of research to see if I could OD on Flexamin and found that it was probably the wrong mix of supplements to help me. I learned that young athletes (at 31, I feel I fall into this category), should take higher doses of Glucosamine and do not need the Chondroitin. Also, there is a different variety of Glucosamine that I should have been taking, vs what is in most supplements you buy at the drug store.
I have been taking 2000 mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and have virtually cured my prior hip pain. There are still days when it hurts, but I would say I'm 99% improved from where I was 6 months ago. And I owe it all to Glucosamine. If you are a runner, consider taking it daily.
Miles logged: 11
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Run at "Nutria Park"
Since the weather has turned nice, we decided to run outside this evening at a near the office. I have named this park "Nutria Park." I will not be running at Nutria Park ever again. I am from Louisiana, but I have never seen so many nutria in one place in my life.
I affectionately call nutria swamp rats, because that is what they are, giant hairy rats with fur. They have the same nasty hairless rat tail too. Due to their destructive nature to the swamps of Louisiana and the uncontrolled populations, there used to be a bounty on nutria. If only this bounty was in effect at Nutria Park. We must have seen 10 different nutria during our 40 minute run, adults, babies, swimming...
All of the nutria excitement definitely distracted me from the run and the almost 4 miles just flew by!
Miles logged: 3.75
I affectionately call nutria swamp rats, because that is what they are, giant hairy rats with fur. They have the same nasty hairless rat tail too. Due to their destructive nature to the swamps of Louisiana and the uncontrolled populations, there used to be a bounty on nutria. If only this bounty was in effect at Nutria Park. We must have seen 10 different nutria during our 40 minute run, adults, babies, swimming...
All of the nutria excitement definitely distracted me from the run and the almost 4 miles just flew by!
The welcoming sign at Nutria Park
Disgusting adult nutria
In addition to nasty nutria, there was this creepy goose.
Miles logged: 3.75
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Running on Fair Day
Running has taught me many things: I can do it if I put my mind to it, pain is overrated, and self control, among others. Today I practiced self control.
I live in the stunning metropolis of Dallas, and every Fall, the State Fair of Texas parks itself in our backyard. I make a pilgrimage to the Fair every year to partake in a fried food bonanza. I leave the Fair every year sick to my stomach, regretting all of the delicious fried goodness I ate. I usually lay on the couch until it is late enough for me to crawl into bed where I toss and turn and groan all night. Fair day is a great day!
This year, Fair day fell on a running day. While I didn't walk around all day worried about my food choices, I subconsciously limited my fried food intake. I had the fried cheese curds (one of my faves), the fried buffalo chicken in a flapjack (disappointing, threw half of it away in the trash), and only had bites of everything else fried: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Hostess Ding Dong, Hostess Twinkie, green bean, funnel cake, and s'mores. I didn't even drink a beer this year.
And I came home tonight and ran 4 miles at a pretty good pace. Finished in 42 minutes even. I guess that means a fried Twinkie is better fuel than a just a regular Twinkie!
Miles logged: 4
Sunday, October 16, 2011
World's Best Hangover Cure?
I know it sounds crazy, but the best cure for a hangover is a long run. If you can somehow drag your overtired, achy, slow-moving body out of bed, put on your running clothes and get yourself outside, you will feel amazing. I've used this as a cure multiple times, after a bachelorette party, wine tasting, you name it, I've ran after it. Unfortunately today, I did not go for a run and spent half the day laying around and feeling like crap after my dad's 60th birthday party. Instead of running, we got up early to do this...
Miles logged: 0
Happy birthday Dad!!!
Miles logged: 0
Thursday, October 13, 2011
A word on demotivation
What motivates you and gets you moving is just as important to know as what does the opposite. I learned today what is a demotivating force for my running. Watching your team get spanked in the ACLS finals.
I'm not a die hard Rangers fan, but I do support them and have really gotten into the playoffs this year. They are one win away from going to the World Series again this year and the game was in progress when I got to the gym.
I normally don't pay attention to the TVs at the gym. But today I specifically picked a treadmill in front of a tv with the Rangers game on. It was tied at 3. And it was exciting and distracting until they started losing, and badly. When they went down by 4 runs, it started hurting. And that damn TV was right in front of my face and hard to look away from. I had two bad options for distractions, the treadmill screen that slowly ticks down the miles, or the pathetic Rangers game. I tried to look at my feet instead.
Needless to say, finishing the run was difficult, but I did it. Go Rangers!
Miles logged: 3.5
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Death of aqua sox: pair #1
Today, I had to retire my first and favorite pair of aqua sox. They have seen me through over 200 miles of training, a half marathon, a 10k, a major trip and fall, and hours and hours of running bliss. I will miss you dear old aqua sox. Thank goodness I found 5 more pairs of you on clearance...
Miles logged:8
Running Paraphrenelia
I love running gadgets. If it claims to make me run longer, faster, or with less pain, I'm willing to try it!
My husband is a minimalist runner. He runs in shorts and sunscreen. No shoes, no iPod, no athletic tape.
I, on the other hand am decked out, head to toe, with equipment that I think makes me a better runner. Starting with my fave aqua sox and extra padded non-cotton socks, I sometimes wear KT tape on my ankles when they hurt. I'm a sucker for compression tights; I don't actually think these live up to any of the claims of helping prevent muscle fatigue, but I like that they don't ride up like traditional shorts do when my thighs rub together. TMI, I know.
You won't every catch me running without my water/utility belt. I can't make it through a 3 miler without this thing on. It carries a 24 ounce bottle of Cytomax or Zipfizz and has a zippered pouch to carry chapstick, keys, snacks and my cell phone. I'm not in love with this belt, but it does the job. I really need something that can carry more liquid. I also have some difficulties with getting items out of the pouch. Today, for example, I smashed my cell phone when it slipped out of my hands trying to get it out of the pouch. And when I say smashed, I'm not exaggerating. It fell on the concrete, my running buddy kicked it, and the phone, the battery, and the back all flew in different directions. This was bad on a number of levels. First, we had to stop to recover the pieces (thank goodness we found them all and the phone was shockingly unharmed). Second, it stopped my fitness app that was tracking our mileage and speed. Thankfully we had already passed the halfway point and had turned around to come back. Anyhow, back to the belt. It serves as a good place to clip my iPod Shuffle, which I use with headsets custom fit to my ears.
Topped off with a dri-fit hat, sunglasses, and at least SPF 50, you have my standard running outfit!
Miles logged: 9
My husband is a minimalist runner. He runs in shorts and sunscreen. No shoes, no iPod, no athletic tape.
I, on the other hand am decked out, head to toe, with equipment that I think makes me a better runner. Starting with my fave aqua sox and extra padded non-cotton socks, I sometimes wear KT tape on my ankles when they hurt. I'm a sucker for compression tights; I don't actually think these live up to any of the claims of helping prevent muscle fatigue, but I like that they don't ride up like traditional shorts do when my thighs rub together. TMI, I know.
You won't every catch me running without my water/utility belt. I can't make it through a 3 miler without this thing on. It carries a 24 ounce bottle of Cytomax or Zipfizz and has a zippered pouch to carry chapstick, keys, snacks and my cell phone. I'm not in love with this belt, but it does the job. I really need something that can carry more liquid. I also have some difficulties with getting items out of the pouch. Today, for example, I smashed my cell phone when it slipped out of my hands trying to get it out of the pouch. And when I say smashed, I'm not exaggerating. It fell on the concrete, my running buddy kicked it, and the phone, the battery, and the back all flew in different directions. This was bad on a number of levels. First, we had to stop to recover the pieces (thank goodness we found them all and the phone was shockingly unharmed). Second, it stopped my fitness app that was tracking our mileage and speed. Thankfully we had already passed the halfway point and had turned around to come back. Anyhow, back to the belt. It serves as a good place to clip my iPod Shuffle, which I use with headsets custom fit to my ears.
Topped off with a dri-fit hat, sunglasses, and at least SPF 50, you have my standard running outfit!
Miles logged: 9
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Word on Motivation
One thing that I don't understand is slacking off during a workout. Don't get me wrong, I'm not always into my run. Sometimes it takes everything I have to get through my run, but if I've made it to the gym, then I'm finishing my run.
At the gym this evening there was a woman on the treadmill next to me who spent more time standing on the edges of the treadmill than she did walking on it. She stopped to get a sip of water, to use a towel to pat her perspiration dry, to adjust her speed or her incline. I just don't see the point.
Find a song, a quote, a person to motivate you to get through your workout. Listen to that song over and over and over until you finish, or you get a second (or first) wind to push through!
Miles logged: 3.5
At the gym this evening there was a woman on the treadmill next to me who spent more time standing on the edges of the treadmill than she did walking on it. She stopped to get a sip of water, to use a towel to pat her perspiration dry, to adjust her speed or her incline. I just don't see the point.
Find a song, a quote, a person to motivate you to get through your workout. Listen to that song over and over and over until you finish, or you get a second (or first) wind to push through!
Miles logged: 3.5
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The New Running Superfood!
When I first started running someone told me that I needed to eat about 100 calories every hour or so. I think it was a salesman at RunOn who was trying to sell me shoes, but I believed him. I still don't know if I need to, but I do. I've tried most of what is in the mainstream marketplace for quick energy: goos (the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth), fruit chews, and jelly beans (my personal fave).
I've always been partial to the energy jelly beans. They taste good, are easy to chew and digest, and some even have caffeine. I won't claim to have ever felt an energy boost from these, but I know there is no way I could get through a half marathon without them.
I work for a popular snack cake company and while training with coworkers, have on many occasions suggested we switch our our Sport Beans for Twinkies. How great would that be--we could MacGyver a Twinkie holder to our waterbelt and have the best tasting snack during a run!
After many months of talking about it, I finally did it! I used an elastic arm band from a now defunct iPod holder, wrapped it around the Twinkie and Velcro-ed it to my belt. This method didn't squish the Twinkie and wasn't in the way at all; I did receive some weird looks in the park from other runners, though. I can only imagine what they thought about me and my Twinkie!!
Miles logged: 8
I've always been partial to the energy jelly beans. They taste good, are easy to chew and digest, and some even have caffeine. I won't claim to have ever felt an energy boost from these, but I know there is no way I could get through a half marathon without them.
I work for a popular snack cake company and while training with coworkers, have on many occasions suggested we switch our our Sport Beans for Twinkies. How great would that be--we could MacGyver a Twinkie holder to our waterbelt and have the best tasting snack during a run!
After many months of talking about it, I finally did it! I used an elastic arm band from a now defunct iPod holder, wrapped it around the Twinkie and Velcro-ed it to my belt. This method didn't squish the Twinkie and wasn't in the way at all; I did receive some weird looks in the park from other runners, though. I can only imagine what they thought about me and my Twinkie!!
About to take a bite of a Twinkie at mile 6!
So, how was it? Delicious, of course, but a tad difficult to eat. I inhaled the first bite, literally. Breathing heavily and chomping down on snack cake is a skill that will need to be honed. I did squish it in my hand a bit (I had handled it delicately for 6 miles, then boom, I turned into a 5 year old!), and it made me a little thirstier than usual.
Will I try it again? Heck yea!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Moves like Jagger?
No thanks. No disrespect to Mick, but I prefer moves like Dean Karnazes
or Steve Prefontaine, Endorphin Dude, or my husband.
Dean and Pre are runners that blow my mind; accomplishing feats that I could never even dream of. Dean is an ultramarathoner who ran 50 marathons in 50 days. He might be a media whore, but he can make his body perform amazing things. Pre was the consummate runner-ran every race his own way. Best known for his American record in the 5000 meters, Pre never held back. He once said that he worked so that it was a pure guts race at the end, and that if it was, he was the only one who could win it! Negative splits be damned! I wish I had the balls to run like Pre. Unfortunately I do not have the talent or skill to pull it off.
Closer to home, I have running heroes like Endorphin Dude and my hubby. Endorphin Dude is simply remarkable, running 52 marathons in 52 weeks to raise money for the Peninsula Humane Society where he adopted his Chiweenie, Chewbacca. He's running for a great cause and is having fun doing it-check out his blog.
Mostly I'm inspired by my husband, who finished his first marathon this summer. He did it barefoot AND just months after receiving chemotherapy. Let that sink in-a barefoot cancer patient. Awesome!
Miles logged: 0
Dean and Pre are runners that blow my mind; accomplishing feats that I could never even dream of. Dean is an ultramarathoner who ran 50 marathons in 50 days. He might be a media whore, but he can make his body perform amazing things. Pre was the consummate runner-ran every race his own way. Best known for his American record in the 5000 meters, Pre never held back. He once said that he worked so that it was a pure guts race at the end, and that if it was, he was the only one who could win it! Negative splits be damned! I wish I had the balls to run like Pre. Unfortunately I do not have the talent or skill to pull it off.
Closer to home, I have running heroes like Endorphin Dude and my hubby. Endorphin Dude is simply remarkable, running 52 marathons in 52 weeks to raise money for the Peninsula Humane Society where he adopted his Chiweenie, Chewbacca. He's running for a great cause and is having fun doing it-check out his blog.
Mostly I'm inspired by my husband, who finished his first marathon this summer. He did it barefoot AND just months after receiving chemotherapy. Let that sink in-a barefoot cancer patient. Awesome!
Miles logged: 0
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Running on Vacation
I run when I'm supposed to be relaxing. I've on more than one occasion woken up before dawn on my vacation to get a run in before the day starts. Running in a new city is exciting, all the new sights, the varied terrain (it is flat where I live now), the beautiful sunrises, the crisp air.
And I've done it again. This time, another predawn run after a day of wine tasting in Napa Valley. Nothing cures a hangover better than a run (I think sweating it out is the key). I had planned a 7 mile run, and had somewhat mapped it out-get out of the neighborhood and run around a sports park until I made my mileage, then back to where I started.
I normally use a fitness app that maps my mileage by GPS, but it could not pick up a GPS signal that morning. I figured I could still track my distance by time, so I went on my way.
I didn't plan on the maze of a neighborhood and getting lost. And I mean utterly and completely lost. All the street names sounded similar and the houses looked identical. If it weren't for Sprint navigation, I would never have found my way! Seven miles turned out to be more than eight miles, but I made it safely and without a hangover back to my friend's house!
Miles logged: 8+
And I've done it again. This time, another predawn run after a day of wine tasting in Napa Valley. Nothing cures a hangover better than a run (I think sweating it out is the key). I had planned a 7 mile run, and had somewhat mapped it out-get out of the neighborhood and run around a sports park until I made my mileage, then back to where I started.
Sunrise over Pleasanton, CA
Miles logged: 8+
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Endurance is what I got
I don't have much when it comes to running. I don't have speed, style, or grace. But I do have endurance.
I love the fact that I can out run just about everyone at the gym. I outlast everyone else on the treadmill. I purposely choose a treadmill on the end, so I can walk by each one on my way out, peeking at the total miles that the other gym-goers have run. They never even come close.
Except today. Today I was shown up by the lady on the treadmill next to me. She was already running by the time I started my run and was still running when I finished, her total miles at 5.4. I thought about asking her what she was training for, but I didn't want to break her concentration. I was just plain impressed!
Miles logged: 3.5
Miles logged: 3.5
Monday, September 19, 2011
Musings of a slow runner
I'm not a fast runner. I'm a 12 minute miler, maybe 11:30 when I'm in good shape. I run on city streets and always figured that I couldn't pick up any speed due to lights and pausing for traffic. But it came to me today. Not when I stopped to jump into an impromptu game of soccer, but when I stopped to pet a puppy! I never stop to talk to anyone on my runs and thought that was enough, but now I have to work on not stopping. Let's hope I can do it!
Miles logged: 3.5
Miles logged: 3.5
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tour des Fleurs-10k

My first 10k was a success! It started out as an overcast morning, with a threat of rain, but it held off and the sun even peaked out a few times. We started out on a flat course, running a fast time, but pulled back when we realized how fast we were going and that it would be difficult to keep up for another 5 miles! Definitely didn't want to run out of gas at mile 4! And good thing we did, as there were some challenging hills in the second half of the race. I thrive on hills, as they are the thing I'm good at when running. Not a single runner passed me going up the hills. Unfortunately, I can't run down them nearly as fast, too much pain in my foot and hip (old injuries).
The biggest race disappointment was the finish line, for a couple of reasons. There was hardly anyone there to cheer you on. A few families mulling around, but no clapping, no cheering, and not a single hi-five. The lack of finishers' medals was ultimate stake through the heart. I figured I'd definitely get a medal for a 10k.
My favorite post race snack is a banana...and they were all out. Thank goodness Dunkin' Donuts was there with a delicious sprinkled donut for me to enjoy! It almost made me forget that I didn't get a medal for completing this race, almost.
Race grade: sold B
Pros: scenic course, well placed water stations, nice shirts, good post race party, ice cold beer
Cons: long stretches of broken asphalt, hardly any spectators, no bananas, NO MEDAL
The race started like this....
And ended with this!
Miles logged: 6.2
Friday, September 16, 2011
Pre-Race Jitters
My training buddy and I will be running the Tour de Fleurs. Sounds sophisticated, huh? It better be a sophisticated enough race to hand out medals at the finishe line!
Miles logged: 0
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hello Fall!
Nothing is more welcome than a cool fall day after the hottest summer on record. Talk about miserable-and I ran the whole summer, training for the SF Half Marathon. Not sure how I made it through, but it makes days like today that much nicer! Instead of hitting the gym after work today, I rushed home to run in this cool 70 degree weather. Please let there be more days like today in the upcoming weeks (should I dare wish for months?).
Miles logged: 3.5
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A Break from the Routine
My running schedule is just that, a boring schedule. I run Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I typically run at the same times each day (after work on weekdays and early mornings on weekends). I run the same routes. Today though, I really mixed things up. I went to the gym before work this morning to get my run in.
This wasn't an experiment, but a desire not to be an awful spouse. My husband left on an early morning flight today and I just didn't have the heart to send him on the SuperShuttle at 3:30 am for his 7:20 am flight. I got him to the airport, made it to the gym, had my pick of treadmills and was at work by 7:30.
I was definitely motivated to run fast this morning; I think this might have been my very first run with a deadline! And the run was pretty good--I had no end of day remorse about the overly garlicky lunch that revisited during the run, and no excuses as to why I was too tired to run (except for the predawn alarm clock). I was starving all day today, but that isn't very different than any other day while I'm training.
Verdict on the pre-work run: not so bad, as long as you can figure out how to stop sweating before noon.
Miles logged: 3.0
This wasn't an experiment, but a desire not to be an awful spouse. My husband left on an early morning flight today and I just didn't have the heart to send him on the SuperShuttle at 3:30 am for his 7:20 am flight. I got him to the airport, made it to the gym, had my pick of treadmills and was at work by 7:30.
I was definitely motivated to run fast this morning; I think this might have been my very first run with a deadline! And the run was pretty good--I had no end of day remorse about the overly garlicky lunch that revisited during the run, and no excuses as to why I was too tired to run (except for the predawn alarm clock). I was starving all day today, but that isn't very different than any other day while I'm training.
Verdict on the pre-work run: not so bad, as long as you can figure out how to stop sweating before noon.
Miles logged: 3.0
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I'm a medal whore
I'm not going to lie, there is no greater feeling than running across the finish line and having someone place a hunk of metal around your neck. This is one of the many reasons why I love races so much, the adrenaline, the camaraderie, the finish line food, and the medals. I donate blood, partially because I know I'm saving lives, but mostly because I like the free cookies and juice when you are done. Oh, and also because I'm convinced I weigh one pound less when I walk out of the donation center. This is the same reason I love races so much.
At the very first race I ever ran, a 5k, I saw people with medals hanging around their necks before I even finished. I thought they had beaten me so significantly, that they had already performed the medal ceremony and these were the big winners. I had no idea that EVERYONE got a medal! I felt like a champion! I'm sure this is why athletes train their whole lives to go to the Olympics-for the glory and the medal!
Not all races give medals, and that is why I won't be running in those again. The disappointment at the finish line is incredible when you don't get a medal.
Below is a picture of my 5 medals. The best by far was for the Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon (far right). Still the biggest, heaviest medal, and my largest accomplishment at that time; I never wanted to take it off.
Miles logged today: 6.6
At the very first race I ever ran, a 5k, I saw people with medals hanging around their necks before I even finished. I thought they had beaten me so significantly, that they had already performed the medal ceremony and these were the big winners. I had no idea that EVERYONE got a medal! I felt like a champion! I'm sure this is why athletes train their whole lives to go to the Olympics-for the glory and the medal!
Not all races give medals, and that is why I won't be running in those again. The disappointment at the finish line is incredible when you don't get a medal.
Below is a picture of my 5 medals. The best by far was for the Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon (far right). Still the biggest, heaviest medal, and my largest accomplishment at that time; I never wanted to take it off.
Medals (left to right): Superbowl XLV 5k, 2011 San Francisco Half Marathon,
Warrior Dash, Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon
Miles logged today: 6.6
Friday, September 9, 2011
'Tis the year of running
As it is September, it is probably a bit late in the year to say 'tis anything... But here I am, toasting my new blog about running. And it is fitting that I start a blog chronicling my year of running 9 months through the year, as I joined the running game late. I didn't get the bug until I was in my 30s. It all started with agreeing to train for a half marathon with my coworkers. I never thought that we would actually do it and I didn't want to be the party pooper that didn't want to play.
I ran that first half marathon and haven't looked back. I've somehow fallen in love with something I hated not so long ago.
Cheers to running! See you on the trails!
I ran that first half marathon and haven't looked back. I've somehow fallen in love with something I hated not so long ago.
Cheers to running! See you on the trails!
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