Monday, March 31, 2014

Running in Philadelphia

Running in Philly really isn't quite what I thought it would be. Last week was my husband's birthday and our anniversary was Saturday. I planned a quick trip to Philadelphia to celebrate for the weekend. Unfortunately I could not control the weather and we had cold rain all weekend. We did our best to roll with it, spending time in museums and restaurants and stores and pushing our running plans back to Monday when there was a chance the weather would clear.

But, we woke up to this forecast this morning:

Mix of rain and snow, but working its way out of the area. Great news, but we had a strict schedule this morning. With a flight this afternoon and with the city shutting the water off at the hotel from 10am to 2pm, we were tight on time and couldn't wait. So we ordered room service and I knocked out a few miles at the gym. Instead of having views of of the Philadelphia Museum of Art or the Delaware River, I had to look at myself in the mirror. 

Here's my walking tour of Philadelphia...

The Pennsylvania Dutch make the best doughnuts. Had the most delicious apple fritter of my entire life at the Reading Terminal Market.

I really wanted to run up these stairs like Rocky. But as you can tell, the weather was atrocious and the likelihood of me tripping and falling in rain boots was ridiculously high!

The Love Run half marathon was finishing in front of the Philly Museum of Art. Congrats to the finishers!

At least I got a picture with the statue!
Blue sky--yes, right before we left for the airport!
Miles logged: 5.0

Music Monday: Take Me Home

Artist: Cash Cash
Title: Take Me Home
Fave Line: "Here we go, with the highest highs, and the lowest lows"

Miles Logged: 5.0

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Music Monday: Wild Wild Love

Artist: Pitbull featuring GRL
Title: Wild Wild Love
Fave Line: "Long live this wild wild love of ours"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Race Report

It was early and cold when the alarm went off this morning. I woke up at 4:58, precisely 2 minutes before the alarm. I spent most of the night dreaming about a marathon that I was running with my husband that I wasn't prepared for--horrible things like having no Chapstick and starting late. Good thing neither happened at the race today.

I met up with some friends at the train station and made our way down to the starting line. It was chilly, windy and overcast, not unlike the conditions last year. We stayed inside the convention center as long as possible, but ultimately had to head out into the elements. 

I'm kind of a BIG deal
I said bye to my friends (we were assigned different corrals) and went in search of the 2:15 pace group. I was feeling good this morning and was confident I could PR on the course today. There were thousands of people milling around and jumping into their corrals. Pace groups were nowhere to be found (either 2:15 or otherwise). I finally ended up getting into my assigned corral, resigned to manage my own pace.

Yep, no pacers anywhere!
It took a while to get up to the starting line, nearly 20 minutes from the actual start of the race, my corral was ready to go. After observing everyone around me, I realized that I don't take enough race selfies, but it's never too late to start!

My first selfie of the race, right at the start line. I'm working on learning how to smile!
I think I'm a much better back-of-the-pack runner than I am middle-of-the-pack runner with a goal. I found the race to be extremely crowded with poor control of the corrals this year. I was passing tons of slow runners and walkers within the first mile. I had to dodge packs of walkers 4 or 5 across and was very frustrated trying to keep my pace. I hope Rock 'n' Roll sends us a survey this year because I'd really like to give my honest feedback. 

The course was the same as last year (and hardly changed from the years before that), so I know every turn and hill, which definitely helps when you are trying to make good time. 

The Book Depository
Within the first half mile or so, I kept hearing someone POUNDING the ground behind me. I was concerned that they were going to injure themselves by hitting the pavement so hard with such a small amount of mileage completed. Then, I thought, someone must be running with a drum that they keep beating. Strange, but to each his own. Even stranger when I got passed by this dude, dribbling 2 basketballs!
That guy had balls!
I had a tough time regulating my pace for the first few miles, I'd run for a few minutes, look down at my watch and see that I was running a 9:30 pace (I was striving for 10:30). Afraid of running out of steam in the second half, I would slow down, only to repeat the cycle again and again. I started getting into the rhythm around mile 5. And my hubby showed up near mile six with a sign that said "Slap it!" I'm not sure if more people slapped his sign or his butt, but he was having a great time!

It took me an hour and a half to catch up to this lady--the 2:15 pacer! No wonder I couldn't find her in the corrals, all she had was a bib attached to her back, no sign, no flag, no other identifying factors.

The elusive 2:15 pacer

This was supposed to be my happy face at passing the 2:15 pacer, but I forgot to smile.
The rest of the race was downhill from here, literally, so I ran as fast as I could. With the wind at my back, I sped through the last few miles and finished with negative splits. My last mile was 9:32, my fastest!

I had to stop to get a photo with Elvis, and I smiled!

At mile 13. I apparently just missed stepping in some dude's vomit.
I made it to the finish in 2:13:10! A huge PR for me from my 2:19:41 here a year ago (I don't count the Texas Half time since the course was a half mile short).

Happy, but cold!

The obligatory post race beer shot!

Miles logged: 13.1

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Expo

The fifth Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon is tomorrow, which means that I got to spend today carbo loading and getting freebies at the expo. And the Rock 'n' Roll series puts on one heck of an expo. We arrived a little before lunchtime and it was packed already. Bib pickup was well organized with no lines, so we sped through.

The rest of the expo was crowded. Lots of strollers and kids this year. I only saw one child on a leash, with a puppy backpack, more should have been tied down. I missed a couple of exhibitors that I like to talk to, specifically, the folks from RooSport. I've been raving about mine to a friend, so I offered to pick one up for her, but they weren't there. Zipfizz was there, so I was able to load up on my fave flavor, citrus!

Oh, and I met this guy! I'm pretty sure he's giving me the middle finger in this photo!

I wanted to run with the 2:15 pace group, but look, I finished in just under 2:04!

Race morning will be an early one, with the train coming at 6:33! I am looking forward to the race, despite the early alarm clock. My husband chose not to sign up, so he will be cheering me on along the course, which means that I'll hopefully have some great pictures to post!

Miles logged: 0.0

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring!

Lovely lady Spring has arrived in all her glory. Blooming trees, beautiful skies, warm temps, and out of control allergies have arrived with her. I really can't complain. I've been fortunate enough to run outside on weekdays and avoid the gym and while I can't stop sneezing once I get home, it really does make me happy.

Today was another gorgeous day, temps in the upper 60s, with a light breeze. I ran fast today (for me), which has given me the idea that I can run the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon with the 2:15 pace group. And that race is this weekend! Today was my last run before my 4th Rock 'n' Roll half. I'm really hoping for some more stunning weather, but we're looking at a 40% chance of rain. Hopefully just Saturday will be a washout.

Miles logged: 3.2

Monday, March 17, 2014

Music Monday: Raging Fire

Artist: Phillip Phillips
Title: Raging Fire
Fave Line: "Come out, Come out, Come out, 'Till we lose control into a raging fire"

Miles Logged: 0.0

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I hate the time change. I love the time change.

I can't seem to make up my mind. I hated the time change on Sunday when I lost an hour of my weekend. I really hated it Monday morning when I lost an hour of my beauty rest. But I seem to be softening on this whole thing. Especially since I got home from work tonight and had enough daylight (and lovely temps) to run outside! No treadmill for me today!

There's something really inspiring to me about being able to run outside during the week. I truly look for every excuse possible to avoid the gym during the week, but today, all I could think about this afternoon was rushing home to run. I could use more days like this!

Miles logged: 3.75

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Yoga and Running? All in the Same Weekend!

This feels like the shortest weekend I've had in about a year. Oh wait, it is! Does that joke ever get old?

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and I took her to a yoga class as her gift (she has done yoga before, so this wasn't a totally shocking adventure). The weather was crummy so we ended up in a studio instead of the park. I have never been to a class before; I've always done it in the privacy of my own home while watching a video, though it's been over a year since I've done yoga at all. I don't much like classes (of any sort) and tend to stray away from activities that might make me sore on a run (other than running!), which is a dumb idea. The class was packed and there was an extremely fit couple (the woman had almost no body fat) that came in at the last minute and set up their well used yoga mats across from us. I was instantly intimidated and a little irritated because the class was supposed to be beginner to intermediate level. They were obviously advanced. Except that they weren't. They must have been crossfit-ers who let their dogs lay on their yoga mats. I felt instantly better when they couldn't straighten their legs in poses where I could.

The yoga class was challenging and fun and I was surprised at how well I was able to keep up. It wasn't the same for one point during the class a friend of mine looked over and said deadpan, "you almost killed your Mom on her birthday." Fortunately she survived!

I woke up this morning with some lingering soreness in my shoulders and my back--ask me about the tennis ball experience one day. My legs felt good and considering I needed to get in double digit mileage today, I was relieved. The weather was cloudy and cold this morning, so I watched the LA Marathon while I waited for the sun to show up. Congratulations to Amane Gobena on a great race!

With the Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon 2 weeks away, I really needed to kick my mileage up today to know I would be ready for race day. I've PR'd on this course twice (once was my very first half marathon, but hey, that counts too!) and I'd really like to do it again this year. And my run today made me feel like I was ready for race day!

Miles logged: 10.5

Music Monday: Coming of Age

Artist: Foster the People
Title: Coming of Age
Fave Line: "You know I try to live without regrets"

Miles logged: 0.0

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Month in Review: February

As I did in January, here are the gems of wisdom from my Runner's World page-a-day calendar for the month of February.

While not actually a tip, this is a great quote!

The first thing I do after a run is shower. I need to focus on hydration more

I do this while brushing my teeth.

Great safety advice. Watch out for cars!

I'm sure this is great advice, however, it's entirely too complicated for me to follow!

I use the elliptical at least once a week in place of running.
Less impact on my knees and hips is a good thing!

This might be the worst advice to date from this calendar.
I can hardly breathe in my sports bra, let alone sleep in it.
Miles logged: 3.75

Monday, March 3, 2014

Music Monday: Come With Me Now

Artist: Kongos
Title: Come With Me Now
Fave Line: "I think with my heart and I move with my head"

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Please go away winter

As yet ANOTHER ice and snow storm blows through Dallas, I'm left wondering if winter will ever end. It was nearly 80 degrees yesterday, so I was almost convinced spring was here. I should have known better. Today will be a day of PJ's and staying indoors. As I was catching up on all of my news, I came across this article about a blind South African man who is preparing to run the Antarctica Marathon.

This man is too much for me. First of all, he is blind and runs marathons. Kudos, you are already one of the most amazing people I can imagine. Oh wait, he has finished a marathon in under 4 hours and also run ultras. Wow, I am a hack! And now this amazing human being is going to be running a marathon on the coldest continent in the world. He's been training in temperature controlled environments that are below zero Fahrenheit. Plus, no big deal, but he's never met his running guide.

Might I reiterate, that it's about 20 degrees outside today and I won't be getting out of my pajamas?

Hein Wagner: 1, Sommer Morales: 0

Miles logged: 0.0