Friday, January 31, 2014

The Month in Review: January

As a post Christmas treat to myself, I bought a Runner's World Page-A-Day Calendar for 2014. I've really enjoyed it (most days) and have learned several things already from it--and we're only one month through the year. Here are a few of my faves (and some that I hate)!

Some of the most genius advice ever!
Complemented by some really bad advice...I've had some runs where it just feels wrong, then I realize I never hit play on my iPod.

Haven't tried this yet, but I will this weekend,

This was Friday, January 10. The. Worst. Day. Ever.

I love this idea--need to try at work when I never have a ziploc bag handy.

Do you see a food theme here? I love sweet potatoes, but hardly ever eat them. Who knew they had more potassium than bananas?!

I like any advice that tells me to run as slow as I want!

Read it. Recite it. Live it. We are all runners.

Miles logged: 0.0

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cleaning the Camelbak

I must confess, I've had my Camelbak for 2 years, but I've never really cleaned it. I mean, I rinse it out after every use, but I didn't have anything to actually clean out the tube. It's been looking pretty dirty lately, so I broke down and bought the cleaning kit.

It comes with a toilet brush and a super long pipe cleaner. I paid entirely too much for this kit.

Just take the mouthpiece off, and jam the pipe cleaner into the tube as far as it will go. All of the dirt will be stick to the bristles and it will magically be clean.

This is what it looked like after the first pass. GROSS! I've been drinking that dirt for months. You can't really tell from this picture, but it was the color of my favorite flavor of Zipfizz, orange. 

Miles logged: 4.0

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I've been catching up on months old magazines and have been actually reading some of the articles instead of just looking at pictures. And I've learned something that I thought I'd share with you all.

As a treadmill runner for over 3 years, I never knew that running on a treadmill at zero incline is actually simulating a downhill run. Shocking, right? It has to do with the way the treadmill pulls your foot backwards when you strike the belt, very complicated and I can't remember all of the details. The moral of story is that you should use a slight incline from 1-2% to counteract this and help simulate conditions more similar to road running (like wind resistance).

Today I ran my entire run, including cool down, at a 0.5% incline and didn't even notice it, not one bit. I did notice the 7-layer dip and tortilla chips I scarfed down right before going to the gym wreaking havoc on my stomach. I know better than to make that mistake, yet I keep doing it. If I can't learn to eat right, maybe I can learn to use an incline on the treadmill.

Miles logged: 4.0

Monday, January 27, 2014

Music Monday: Love Me Again

Artist: John Newman
Title: Love Me Again
Fave Line: "Now I'm rising from the ground, Rising up to you. Filled with all the strength I found, There's nothing I can't do!"

Miles logged: 0.0

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Would You Wear This? The Lumo Lift

High-tech pedometers are all the rage. These devices no longer just track your steps, but your milage, flights of stairs, calories burned, and overall activity levels. I, myself, am a Fitbit girl, not because I'm interested in any of this information, but because I receive points for my employer's wellness program for using one. The technology is pretty cool, but I had to start hiding my steps totals from a few overzealous friends.

Recently an ad popped up on my Facebook feed for a new device called the Lumo Lift. It's a small square that you can attach to your lapel (via magnet) that does all the things a Fitbit does, but it will also remind you when your posture is less than optimal, with a gentle vibration (I'm thinking this is a nice way to say severe electric shock). They tout it as a "beautiful device that you wear on your chest to track your daily activity and help to improve your posture."

The Lift in Silver
I must say, I'm intrigued. I have terrible posture and almost never remember to sit up straight. You can pre-order the Lift for $69 on their website. For an additional $10, you can purchase additional Lift clasps in various colors. I'm sure you need one to match every outfit!

Miles logged: 8.5

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Another New Gym

Today I tried the new gym in my new building. Despite being told that I would need to arrive before 3:30 to secure a treadmill, I played with fire and walked out of my office just after 4:45. Well, that gamble worked. I arrived to 2 people in the gym, both on the elliptical trainers. I changed as fast as I could and had my pick of the brand new treadmills (there are only 6). The temperature was perfect, relatively chilly, so that I didn't start pouring sweat until I was fully through the first mile. I felt good. And I ran fast (at least for me). I felt like this:

Miles logged: 4.0

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Musings at the Gym

I was running on tired legs today, so I struggled to get in only a few miles. In addition to running my first double digit run in over 2 months, I spent most of the day on Sunday working in the yard. This means I have tight hamstrings and sore quads in addition to cuts, scrapes, and foreign objects lodged in my fingers (I think it is a rose bush thorn and I'll likely never get it out).

So, as I made every effort to distract myself on the treadmill, I had a couple of observations

  • When is it OK to tell a stranger that her pants are completely see through? Because in this instance, I could see the color of her underwear (thank goodness she was wearing some!) AND the color of her skin through her worn pants. I neglected to say anything, but I think I probably should have.
  • Always run on the treadmills in the back row. I noticed the bouncing fat of the gym-goers on the treadmills in front of me. I never want anyone to notice my bouncing fat.
  • What's with the 1 gallon water jugs? I've never seen this before, but since I started frequenting a new gym, all of the guys carry one. Is it part of the training routine? A gallon weighs just over 8 pounds, so maybe.
  • I will be 35 this year and really don't want to ever get old, because then I will have to do things like this:
Reading glasses to open my lock

Miles logged: 3.0

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Foiled Again

I think it's probably time that I give up on my dream of running around the local high school track again. I did everything right today and still wasn't able to run the track. I got there long before it closed, but apparently not early enough to beat the girl's soccer teams that were just about to start a game. So I had to make up a Plan B, again.

Last night I spent some time on the Half Fanatics website, looking up races. I've only signed up for the Dallas Rock 'n Roll half marathon, and I need to get a few more races on my calendar. There was one race in early February that I was interested in, but afraid that I couldn't get ready for 13.1 in 2 weeks. I had to get in a double digit run today to find out.

So I passed the track once more and pushed on to find a greenbelt that I knew wasn't too far away. I got in several miles before turning around and heading home. I stopped at the gym and filled up on water, took a bathroom break, and lifted a few weights before finally making the trek home. It was a good run, and I kept a good pace. I'm ready for my first race of 2014!

Miles logged: 10.0

Monday, January 13, 2014

Music Monday: Jump on my Shoulders

Artist: Awolnation
Title: Jump on my Shoulders
Fave Line: "There's a mad man with a mad plan"

Miles Logged: 3.5

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Another failed attempt at a track run

I really have the worst luck. I cannot seem to make it to the local high school track when it is actually open. My plan today was to get a double digit run in and run sprints at the track. The weather was supposed to be beautiful, but there was frost on the roofs when I woke up, so I killed some time getting caught up on old episodes of Breaking Bad. I finally headed out around 11. But the track was closed by the time I arrived. Apparently the weekend track hours are extensive, from 5:30am to 10:30am. The last time I arrived to locked gates, I remember seeing this sign, but didn't notice that it was only open for 5 hours!

I wasn't too far away from the gym, so I went over to lift some weights. I was paid a very nice compliment by a woman on my way in. She complimented my outfit, so she was obviously a lair (I had on just about every fluorescent color known to man and looked completely ridiculous, but I definitely wasn't going to be hot by a car!). I spent 10 minutes on the stair climber and then used a couple of upper body machines before heading home. 

It wasn't the run I planned, but I enjoyed the change of routine. I think this might be an option for a summertime run, where I can get a water refill and a bathroom if I need it!

Miles logged: 5.75

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Getting back into the swing of it

Well, the New Years Resolution exercises are out in force. The good news is that I love to see people out exercising AND there were enough treadmills for me to use without a wait, and I love that even more. It's been several weeks since I've been to the gym, but I'm working on a routine that will help me get to the gym in a reasonable amount of time. Except today didn't go quite as planned. I left the office a few minutes before 5, hoping to beat some traffic. However, I got stuck behind some a-hole who tried to exit the monthly exit in the parking garage but didn't have a contract. It involved being stuck for 5 minutes (which, btw, is an eternity when you can't go anywhere) before a lot of jockeying of cars to get him out of the way. It was joyous. 

Miles logged: 3.5

Monday, January 6, 2014

Music Monday: A Light That Never Comes

Artist: Linkin Park
Title: A Light That Never Comes
Fave Line: "You cannot catch me, cannot hold me. You cannot stop me, much less control me"

Miles logged: 0.0

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 or Bust

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have caught up on your sleep and gotten over your hangovers. I have had neither of those problems today. We spent New Year's Eve at home, eating pizza and watching a movie while I boiled black eyed peas. And we celebrated the New Year in my favorite way, by going to bed early. I also spent part of the evening wearing my medals from races in 2013 and reflecting on the year. I was shocked to realize that I only ran 3 half marathons last year. But I had that big (for me) marathon finish in November.

5 race medals: New Years Double, Dallas Rock 'n Roll, Fairview Half, Cinco de Miler, and Malibu marathon
I don't do resolutions, but if I did, it would be to complain less about the aches and pains of running. I am fortunate to be healthy enough to participate in this sport. I am lucky to wake up every day and be able to run (even if I choose not to) and I need to remember that.

May your 2014 be healthy, happy, and injury free!

Miles logged: 4.4